And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15

Friday, April 29, 2011

I Will Bless Those That Bless Thee

Today the Church heaps blessings all over physical Israel because they understand that God promised Abraham that all who would bless him and his seed would also be blessed and all those who cursed him would also be cursed. So, since 1948 when Israel was reformed, the Church has been heaping blessings all over them, it would seem that God should be very pleased with them and return all those blessings but unfortunately that has not been the case.

It doesn't make sense. After all, they heap honor and blessings all over physical Israel. They donate money to the temple rebuilding project, they get excited when they talk of restarting the daily sacrifice and they cherish stories and souvenirs from the country. Yet, when we look around, what do we see? Do we see the blessings being returned as the promise states or do we see curses?

Of course, we see curses, especially from a Christian perspective which includes moral values but also in most every other way we are seeing curses. So what's the problem here? The modern Church has been Israel's greatest friend haven't they? Maybe they haven't blessed them enough. Perhaps they should send more money over there and maybe then God would toss over a blessing or two.

Logically we know there is something wrong with this picture. The truth is if you toss a little blessing toward Israel you should reap that same little blessing back. From all of the blessings that have been heaped on Israel there should have been a decent return on them by now but we simply haven't seen that.

So what's the true problem? The actual answer to the dilemma is that they are not blessing Abraham's seed at all. The Church has been mistakenly blessing the spirit of antichrist, which is alive and well in physical Israel. How can I say that? Well, John tells us clearly how to recognize the spirit of antichrist:

"And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world." 1st John 4:3

Somehow what the Church has been missing is that the true seed of Abraham, and the real child with the promise is not the Jews (as of many) but Christ (as of one). We are plainly told this in scripture, yet they still miss it and not only have they NOT blessed him, they've actually chased him off and now stand guard at the door to see he doesn't get back in.

The true children of Abraham are those who believe on Jesus and through him have become the sons and daughters of God. YOU are Israel if you are in Christ. The Church has been blessing the wrong folks.

Matthew 1:1 gives us our answer "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham."

When Christ died on the cross He fulfilled the prophets by translating the house of Israel from the physical house into a spiritual house. The Church should be blessing spiritual Israel who is Christ, not physical Israel. Paul explains it to us in Romans 9: 6-8

"Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed."

So we see that the physical, flesh and blood Jews are not the Jews anymore. The real Jew is a spiritual Jew, as Paul explains further in Romans 2: 28-29

"For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God."

Israel has been remade as a spiritual body as Jeremiah prophesied in Chapter 8: 4-6

"And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it. Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying, O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel."

If you are in Christ you are that new vessel. We are the clay and God is the potter, when Christ died for our sins, this was the fulfillment of Jeremiah's prophecy "Oh Israel, I'm I not able to remake you as the potter remakes the vessel?" You see, God took the old, physical Israel and remolded them into a new house under the same name and the new was remade of the spirit.

Wow, imagine that! You really are a chosen people, based on your spiritual lineage not your physical one. You are not second to Israel, YOU ARE ISRAEL!!

Wow, what a wonderful thing to realize! How wonderful!! We are not second class citizens waiting to take our place after the physical Jews come back to Christ. (and I pray that many more of them do come to Christ) This is why the Jewish people got so mad at Paul and Peter, they we're telling them this very thing and they hated to hear that salvation no longer had anything to do with their flesh.

Still you either accept this or you don't and many cannot hear it. Acts 13:41 Paul refers to Habakkuk 1:5 when he tells the Jews at the synagogue in Pisidia the truth. "Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you."

A week later they chased Paul and Barnabas out of their city. If you have ever wondered why they got so mad, now you know. God turned the world upside down and did a work that they in no wise believed. Actually, many still don't believe it and it seems they still get just about as angry about it also.

So, if you reject that you are an Israelite by the grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and his sacrifice then you have rejected the promise, you have rejected your birthright and that is not a good thing. He came only to save the lost sheep of the house of Israel, not the so-called "Church". There are not two saved groups. There's only one flock and one shepard over them.

Look around you. Look how your plan of blessing physical Israel has panned out. What has it gotten you? Blessings? I don't think so, rather there have been curses. If we do good to Israel, which we supposedly have done, then there should have been more and more blessings not less and less blessings.

That alone should prove to you that the so-called "Church" is blessing the wrong group of people.

Just try it. Heap a few blessings on Christ and while you are at it heap a few blessing on those who honestly follow Christ and see if those blessing don't come back to you.

They will.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What Separates Us

Is it important to understand what separates us from the world? We have been told all our lives that as Christians we should bring people together and be nice and sweet, but what does Christ tell us?

In Matthew 10:34-35 we are told by Christ himself

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law."

So Christ is telling us that he came to set us against one another, to separate us from the world. You see the world has a form of righteousness. Satan will appear as an angel of righteousness and talk about saving the planet or feeding the hungry. All of which seem as so-called "good things" but we miss the point.

There is no salvation in doing "good" things. There is no good without God in the first place. Yet when we do these things the world considers it as righteousness. So, Satan appears to support things that seem righteous. He talks about the children and feeding the hungry and giving and many things that can fool us into believing that maybe he is a god himself and he will even have us believe he is the true God.

If you follow his false righteousness you can feed the hungry all the way to the gates of Hell and totally miss the true righteousness, which begins and ends for us with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. He IS righteousness, not any so-called "good" work that we do.

So what are these things that separate us? Can we identify some of them? Could it be adultery or fornication? These are sins and as Christians we abstain from these. Could it be robbery or drunkenness? We all know stealing is a sin and we abstain from it. We also don’t go around drunk because this too is a sin and we reject it.

Again Satan has a righteousness and it can fool us. For instance, how many worldly fathers and sons argue about adultery where one actually says adultery is a good thing? Or perhaps they argue that robbery is a virtuous thing or one might argue for drunkenness? No, I tell you abstaining from these things are also considered righteous by the world.

The things that truly separate us are the issues that are backed by scripture but ridiculed, scorned and cast out by the world and even by the so-called modern day church. One of the most explosive separation issues is Christmas.

Read scripture from Jeremiah Chapter 10 Verses 1-5:

"Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the ax. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good."

Here the Bible is describing an ancient pagan tradition that has come to be known as Christmas and anyone who cares to research the holiday will quickly realize it is fully and completely a pagan celebration dating back for thousands of years.

Pagans would and still do bring trees into their houses and deck them with silver and gold in order to worship their gods during the season of winter. They ask for their blessings to protect them during the cold months and today they sit and laugh at Christians who will fight tooth and nail to preserve the "Christmas Tree" from being taken down from a piece of governmental property when it has nothing to do with Christ at all. It belongs to the pagans!

The so-called special date of December 25th is not special because of Jesus’ birth but for the position of the sun on the horizon. This is what Jeremiah was talking about when he said "and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them."

A pagan's main source of worship is the sun and as the days got shorter they would begin to worry that the sun wouldn't return to springtime again. They would be dismayed during these changes in the seasons and on the 25th (being just a few days past the solstice) the sun would appear to begin its journey back toward springtime.

How Christians picked this mess up is a long and sorted tale. Our beliefs have been corrupted and we are barely aware of it. Suffice it to say that the only thing people can do is dream up reasons why the holiday could somehow be holy when it is NOT at all holy. Of course some will just twist scripture and say it really doesn't mean that or that was for them and not us or some other weak watered down tripe.

However, for the rest of us we are left with two clear sides, both sides know what the Bible says but one side rejects it in order please themselves, their families or for tradition’s sake and another side that is willing to allow themselves to be separated from the world.

Now, I understand that in Christ we are free and celebrating Christmas in ignorance will not necessarily send you to Hell but at some point you need to understand the facts. Realize that you are passing on the traditions of pagans and not the traditions of God. It is as simple as that and don’t forget that he that doubteth is damned if he eat not of faith.

Sadly, you probably know a great deal about Christmas lore. Santa, the reindeer, the trees, the elves and so on but what do you know about the traditions of God? What do you know about Passover for example? Is it possible you know nothing about it? Is it possible you have never even heard of it? 

I understand there is no salvation in any of these holidays but why is it we know so much about paganism's holidays while at the same time we know nothing about the holidays that Christ himself observed and fulfilled and why is there so little interest in these feast days? It boggles the mind.

Back to my point, it is clear that there are a lot more people who will cast us out over the fact that we have rejected Christmas than they will because of our views on adultery. This is an area that has great potential to truly separate us and I mean separate us to the point that people no longer even wish to speak to us unless it is to tell us how wrong we are.

This in itself is a sign that we are separate from the world but stop for a moment and consider the issue upon which Satan makes his stand, a holiday. A time when togetherness and family are stressed, a time when those who usually have the most sway in your life get together to continue the traditions that you have been brought up in, nothing seems more honest, natural and good to us than this time.

Then the Holy Spirit reveals the truth but the devil is prepared for this, he has spent many lifetimes building up resistance to this day when the truth is revealed. The idea is to bring your families, your childhood, your neighbors and the entire world down upon your head so that you will look past the truth and instead remain where you are most comfortable.

He has built descriptive words right into our consciousness for the occasion. Entire characters framed in our minds to describe anyone who would dare reject his holiday. Scrooge! Bah, Humbug! You will hear and no one wants to be a Scrooge, not even Scrooge himself, as he came around also in the end.

As a rule of thumb you can gauge how close you are getting to the truth by the amount of resistance you receive from abiding in it. Tell someone you are against adultery and you will not receive much condemnation, unless you happen to be at a swinger's convention, but mention to your loving family that Christmas is a pagan abomination and they will not sit still for it, you will be labeled a Scrooge.

You can try to explain it until you are blue in the face but they can not hear it. They don't want to understand it. They prefer to wallow in a pool of ignorance because it really doesn't matter to them. What's really important isn't understanding and following the scriptures but just getting together with their family.

In Hosea 4:6 God says:

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children."

Praise God for the things that clearly separate us from this world with Christmas just being one of the more obvious examples. These things make the world look at us funny and make them not want to be around us. These things make them laugh at us and cast us out, and these things cause us to suffer persecution.

These things separate us and I thank God for that.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Can we all just get along?

Some of you older folks might remember the Rodney King episode during the Los Angeles riots in 1992. He was the guy that was beat up by the LAPD, which eventually caused the start of the famous LA riots, which began on April 29th and ended on May 4th. On May 1st Rodney spoke his famous words "People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along?" What a catch phrase! People have been using it for 20 years now and I'm sure there are many TV writers, directors and producers who wish they would have come up with one even half as good.

Yet we remember the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt who said "In Politics, nothing is accidental. If something happens, be assured it was planned this way." so you can rest assured that the LA riots were most definitely planned to accomplish a political goal, among other things, one of which is a ritual of sorts that falls on May 1st called "May Day". 

When you hear "May Day" you may recognize it from old WWII movies where a pilot of a troubled vessel calling for help. (The line goes "mayday, mayday, mayday") We are told that it originated from the French word m'aiders but the truth is it is was chosen to honor "May Day" which itself is celebrated by trouble. It is more openly associated with labor's struggle or the workers revolution, which is often celebrated by parades (May Day parade) and less openly but much more surprisingly celebrated in a morbid fashion by staging riots throughout the world.

Of course the entire day is steeped in paganism which is the real reason for the riots but I really don't wish to write about all of that but I'll just ask you to pay attention on May 1st and see if there is a riot of some sort happening. Sometimes it is a big one, sometimes it is small one and perhaps they skip a year here and there but just watch May 1st and see what happens. 

Anyway, be that as it may (no pun intended), my main point is not uncovering the elite's conspiracy to bring in their New World Order but instead to discuss a topic that may help you understand more about the truth and how it is found by walking the straight and narrow way. 

Years ago when I first dedicated my life to Christ I remember thinking to myself that one of the goals I felt lead to accomplish was to bring everyone together. I remember thinking that I could start small and begin visiting churches and talking with pastors and after saying all the right things everyone would begin to see that we "could all just get along".

Just like Rodney! What a great plan I had.

Unfortunately for me I had to realize that God was in charge, not me. The more I studied and learned the more I realized that God's plan did not include everyone joining hands and singing "kum bay ya". What a surprise! I mean it, I was shocked that a God of love didn't want to sing "kum bay ya" with everyone.

You see we are supposed to love but we don't just love everything and everyone. We should love our brothers and sisters in Christ and we should love the Truth. We should have an undying love of the Truth. I capitalize "Truth" because I am referring to our Savior Christ Jesus. (after all, that is one of His names).

While we should live peaceably with all men we are not supposed to "get along" in the sense that we compromise the Truth. We shouldn't look for trouble and we should avoid it if possible but again our first goal should not be to come to some sort of agreement with anyone that doesn't love the Truth. How can you live peaceably and not compromise the Truth? You can avoid trouble often by simply removing yourself from a situation. Don't fuss and argue, just walk away quietly.

Fact is, if you don't love the Truth you will probably be offended by things that I say and I don't even have to try to offend you, the Truth will offend on His own. The Bible says in Matthew 10:34 "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

So what are we going to do? I mean what a drag huh? No hand holding... no "kum bay ya"... what's a touchy-feely Christian supposed to do anyway? After all we really wanted to get in a circle and hold hands and sing that blasted song!!

Oh well, just one more thing that God has had to get through my thick skull. I am quite the moron sometimes, incase you felt like I save all my criticism for my readers. I am no better than anyone else, I have to realize when I am wrong and let me tell you it happens quite often.

But I have a love of the Truth. Do you understand that?

It really doesn't matter what you know or whether you are right or wrong, it matters more whether you love the Truth or not. Now, we are not supposed to be ignorant and we definitely should not remain ignorant, because the Holy Ghost leads us from our despicable condition into all Truth and righteousness. The question becomes "are you willing to let go of what you think the Truth is in favor of the real Truth?"

Jesus tells us that John the Baptist was the greatest of all men that have been on the earth but the least in Heaven is greater than he. So, if John the Baptist could not attain the greatness known in Heaven how in the world would any of us think that we could attain it? We can't!

We are wretched and miserable creatures beyond hope except for the hope of ONE, Christ Jesus. Who as Isaiah says in 53:5 "...was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."

It isn't our goodness that's in question, it isn't how right or wrong we are, it is all about Him. Jesus the Christ of God. The Anointed One, the Root and Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning star, the First and Last, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Lilies of the Valley, the Rose of Sharon, the Amen, the Lamb that was slain, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the son of David, the son of Abraham, the only begotten of the Father, the great I AM, the Word of God, the Way, the Truth and the Life.

"And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever." Revelation 5:13

Glory be to HIS name!

For HE is worthy! Jesus Christ is worthy!

Why is our road straight and narrow? It isn't that way simply to keep you from having any so called "fun". Nor is that the only reason that keeps people from walking it. It is straight and narrow also because almost no one uses it because most people will not humble themselves. If everyone would humble themselves and seek the Truth then it would be a wide road, a broad road and easily traveled because it would have been well worn from all the traffic but that is not the case, there is little traffic on this road.

Paul speaks of a race. It is a race of fierce competition yet not many runners.

I hope you can better see why "we can't all just get along". It's just not going to happen and it was never intended to be that way. We only truly "get along" with the Truth and those that do the will of the Father.

It is strange but while we advocate peace it is God's peace, not the peace of the world. While we advocate love it is God's love, not love of the world. While we advocate hope and faith it is hope and faith in God and not hope and faith in the world.

We love God, not the world, therefore the world hates us because they first hated him and they will not just "get along".

For they have not the love of the Truth.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Language of Lucifer

Have you ever read the story of Christ in the wilderness? He was tempted of the Devil for 40 days and one of the things the Devil tried to get Christ to do was turn stones into bread. Have you ever wondered why Jesus didn't simply do it? Would Satan have then been convinced? There is much more going on in this encounter than first meets the eye. In fact, Satan still uses this same trick on us today.

So why didn't Christ turn the stones into bread? It's because He knew that He would have been doing the will of Lucifer. Have you ever thought of this? It often seems to us that he could have simply turned the stones into bread and proved Lucifer wrong. I can see it now. Christ picks up the stones and miraculously turns them into bread and then the Devil is amazed and becomes a Christian because he is now convinced of the truth.

How many times have we attempted to "prove" the Gospel to someone who doesn't really want it but instead just wants to prove us wrong or just doesn't want to hear it? You can give them proof after proof and never convince them. Luke 16:31 tells us "And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."

The unfortunate reality is missed when we do this. We are the ones converted rather than them, even though we are trying to do right and trying to prove something good. We have fallen into Satan's trap of dialoging to consensus and we don't even know it.

Let's go back to Christ and the Devil. Again, why didn't Christ turn the stones into bread? He could have but he knew as soon as he tried to prove himself in that fashion he was not proving himself at all. He would simply have been dialoging with the Devil, he would be doing the Devil's will by doing what the Devil asked of him.

This is deep stuff. We think talking to people about Christ and trying to convince them is a good thing but it is only if they are accepting the truth. If they are arguing or saying things like "we can agree to disagree" or some other cliché they are manifesting the spirit of antichrist and in a sense they are giving you your spiritual Miranda warning. It's our fault if we don't recognize it.

We often come away feeling like we have proven our point and stuck to our guns and done a good work for Christ but look at it this way. If Christ had turned the stones into bread the Devil would have become the master. He would have had Christ doing his will, even though it seems to us that Christ would have been doing it to prove him wrong. It really doesn't matter what He would have been trying to do. It only matters that He would have done it.

Thank God he didn't but instead He tells Satan "it is written, man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God."

So when you tell someone the truth and they begin to argue or say something like "we should agree to disagree" you are in the presence of the same spirit the Devil used against Christ. They are speaking the Language of Lucifer.

If you have the truth then why should you have to agree to disagree with anyone? Now if you don't have the truth then perhaps you should find it. In fact, if you don't know the answer then perhaps it is you that should quietly listen and receive the truth. Perhaps the person talking to you is trying to help you but you should never agree with a non-truth.

If you know the truth you should not compromise it whether it is about eternal salvation doctrine or the timing of the resurrection or even where did Cain get his wife? Would you compromise 2+2=4? That is also truth.

If you met someone who believed that 2+2=5 and you said "no, I'm sorry but 2+2=4" and they began to argue and give reasons for why they believed 2+2=5, why would you stay and argue? They have already proven that they do not love the truth. You could jump through all sorts of hoops trying to prove it but this person has demonstrated that they have larger problems than simply realizing that they are bad at math. Never realizing that he is an idiot keeps him from the love of the truth. Because to love the truth means to realize that we are all idiots, and we don't enjoy being idiots do we?

No, we would rather remain blissfully ignorant rather than have to admit that we were wrong and how sad if we walk away from that conversation saying that we "agree to disagree" you just agreed with an idiot which makes you perhaps a "nice idiot" at best and a liar at worst because you just agreed with a lie.

If you have the truth you stand on that truth and do not reach a consensus against it by agreeing to disagree. No instead it is better to just walk away, DO NOT ARGUE, it is a trap of the Devil. Not only does it waste time but it involves you in watering down the truth even if only a little bit.

If you think of it 99% of the truth is really just a lie and that is all it takes to water the truth down. Actually it even takes less than that. Consider that 99.99999% of the truth is also not the truth but only 100% can be considered truth. This is why we need the Holy Ghost to guide us. We must not compromise our 100%.

Now what I am telling you here goes against everything our society stands for. In fact that is all we hear now days. "Let's agree to disagree Brother." or "We can agree on the central doctrine of Christ" or "We don't see eye to eye on that but we agree that Jesus died for our sins" These are all things we hear among believers. The Christians are some of the worst lot that speaks the Language of Lucifer.

For instance, we know that Joe Blow down the street doesn't believe in the Millennial Reign even though the Bible plainly teaches it so what do we tell him? We usually say "let's agree to disagree".

There is one truth and it doesn't split itself up by denomination or doctrine or even in the belief that Jesus died for our sins. Hear me out!

It begins with Jesus dying for our sins but that is not all there is. If you believe that Jesus died for your sins then you do become saved but if 10 years later you are still sucking on that bottle then what are you trying to prove?

You sicken me, sucking on the milk when you have been offered such glory and in the presence of such glory! And there you are sucking on the spiritual milk while your stinking flesh is pursuing all sorts of lusts and gains and appetites to fill your belly. You don't love God, you are a liar.

Now to someone deep in a jungle somewhere who comes to the knowledge that Christ died for his sins and receives the love of the truth and gets saved that is the greatest gift ever known unto man, but YOU! You have taken that gift and turned it into a mockery! Then you claim to be saved!

It is not that you make mistakes. You are a dog just like we all are.

In your flesh is NO good thing your flesh cannot be saved. It is your spirit that gets saved, hence you are born again, not of the flesh but of the spirit. Christ died just like your stinking flesh does when you accept the news that He died for you. Your flesh dies and your spirit is born. You are a spirit. You don't HAVE a spirit, you ARE a spirit if you are in Christ.

So, we see the deception all around us. Many have rejected what I have told you here, proving that what I am saying is true. The thought that we can believe whatever we want and simply agree to disagree is such a terrible trap that we think we are deep in God's will while practicing it. We feel like God is looking on us with pleasure when we do these things and an article on a blogsite is no match for our deep seated beliefs unless we love the truth because this is truth.

You have a lifeline.

It doesn't mean you have to get mad at everyone who talks to you this way. Most people don't realize it, they think they are serving God and we tell ourselves "if we could only get through to them" but we can't because the truth is that they don't really love the truth.

They only love what they think the truth is and that is a far cry from the real truth. The real truth requires humbleness and it requires that you deny yourself and it requires you to be wrong. Most people do not believe they are wrong so there is no way to reach them. It does seem a shame but only to the extent that we ourselves are deceived. Because we look to these people as someone who loves the truth but they don't. Can you see that? They don't love the truth, they love their own bellies.

The realization of this is staggering to me. To think that keeping the peace by allowing one guy to believe one thing and someone else to believe another is hard to accept. It seems to allow us to get along together and fellowship and grow and all sorts of so-called "good things" but if 3 people who each have 99% of the truth all get together and put all their doctrine in a pot and stir it up what is the result? 99% times 99% times 99% equals 97%. If someone with 100% truth shows up and tosses his doctrine into the pot what happens? 97% times 100% equals 97% so the guy who enters into fellowship even though he has 100% truth when he gets there, leaves with only 97% and 97% is a worthless lie.

So we see how futile it is to fellowship with or even dialog with someone who does not have a love for the truth. You wind up losing in the end when you speak the Language of Lucifer.

So, do not dialog with the Devil, he is smarter than you are.

Do not dialog with those who have not the love of the truth.

Just walk away.