Is it possible that you live in a cage that you cannot touch or taste? An invisible cage with bars you cannot see? This cage is defined by your vocabulary in many ways. If we cannot explain or understand something because we ourselves or our neighbors don’t have the proper vocabulary then we become prisoners within our own minds.
If you have ever read the book "Animal Farm" by George Orwell you will remember the scene where the pigs painted the rules on the barn but later when the other animals (that couldn't read well to begin with, if at all) went back to read them they were confused as they seemed different. Actually the pigs had come during the night and added words here and there to change the meaning of the rules.
(If you haven't read "Animal Farm" you don't have any idea what I am talking about of course so don't even try to understand it.)
The point is this is how we are treated in our world today. How do you think it is that we all go down and apply for "drivers" licences and even pay them to get one? When you go to the law books and look up the key words in the "law" you will find that they back up the fact that you have to get your licence, so we all go down and follow the "law". The trick however is that the words have changed meanings in the last 90 or so years since the law was first passed.
The way they got the law passed to begin with was simple. "Driver" simply meant someone who drives commercially such as a taxi driver or truck driver or delivery driver and it made sense to everyone that those who use the roads commercially should pay a fee and get a licence.
Then the trickery began.
Once the law was passed they began changing the meanings of the words such as "driver" which used to mean only commercial drivers to what we know today which is that everyone is a driver and everyone has to get a licence.
Perhaps you think you can read but just like those animals you probably can't. The drivers licence is just a simple example. You are controlled every day by many other legal wording tricks that are just as manipulative but unfortunately it is all your fault because of something called the Maxims of Law.
One of the Maxims says "Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived." which basically means if you are not willing to go to the law library and study for six months in order to understand the truth about a law then it is assumed that you are willing to be deceived.
If you have ever read the book "Animal Farm" by George Orwell you will remember the scene where the pigs painted the rules on the barn but later when the other animals (that couldn't read well to begin with, if at all) went back to read them they were confused as they seemed different. Actually the pigs had come during the night and added words here and there to change the meaning of the rules.
(If you haven't read "Animal Farm" you don't have any idea what I am talking about of course so don't even try to understand it.)
The point is this is how we are treated in our world today. How do you think it is that we all go down and apply for "drivers" licences and even pay them to get one? When you go to the law books and look up the key words in the "law" you will find that they back up the fact that you have to get your licence, so we all go down and follow the "law". The trick however is that the words have changed meanings in the last 90 or so years since the law was first passed.
The way they got the law passed to begin with was simple. "Driver" simply meant someone who drives commercially such as a taxi driver or truck driver or delivery driver and it made sense to everyone that those who use the roads commercially should pay a fee and get a licence.
Then the trickery began.
Once the law was passed they began changing the meanings of the words such as "driver" which used to mean only commercial drivers to what we know today which is that everyone is a driver and everyone has to get a licence.
Perhaps you think you can read but just like those animals you probably can't. The drivers licence is just a simple example. You are controlled every day by many other legal wording tricks that are just as manipulative but unfortunately it is all your fault because of something called the Maxims of Law.
One of the Maxims says "Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived." which basically means if you are not willing to go to the law library and study for six months in order to understand the truth about a law then it is assumed that you are willing to be deceived.
Did you get that? And on top of the six months you spend in the law library you will need to take constant refresher classes to keep up to date of all the new statutes they come up with. Now that's something I know we all have time for isn't it?
(Now you can more plainly see why they feel it is so important to keep you distracted with sports, TV and other junk to waste even more of your precious time.) Because if the people ever woke up to this deception their entire house of deceit would come crashing down on them, but they just laugh. They know we are just a bunch of bumbling, malnourished, flouride drinking idiots that couldn't find their way out of a paper bag much less understand complex lawyer talk.
We stupidly believe our government is controlled by fair and honest people who are only looking out for the benefit of the nation. We believe they use their offices for good and just outcomes that benefit the people but we are deceived.
Now, let's look at a simpler form of the deceit. I say simpler only because it has become so commonplace that even the mention of it seems silly to most people and will get you labeled as someone who "takes it to far".
Anyway, try to imagine living in society today and never using the names of our months or imagine functioning with out using the names of the days of the week on a regular basis? It wouldn't be easy.
This lack of ability is what I mean by the title of this article because it makes up a large portion of that cage in which Satan and the beast system has us all trapped in and we have trouble even seeing it. In fact, it is impossible for many to see it at all. The "driver" issue is much more obvious.
Please allow me to explain.
The Bible tells us in Exodus 23:13
"And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth."
Here God plainly tells us not to mention the name of other gods. Well, the following is a list of names and the false gods these names were meant to honor. Remember, these are names we should not even speak.
Sunday = Sun’s day (Sol "solar" worship)
Monday = Moon’s day (Luna "lunar" worship)
Tuesday = Tīw's Day (Norse god of war)
Wednesday = Woden’s Day (Head god of English heathenism, equated with the Norse god Odin)
Thursday = Thor’s Day (Thor, Norse god of thunder, equated with the Greek god Hercules)
Friday = Frige’s Day (Norse goddess and wife of the god Woden, spinner of the clouds)
Saturday = Saturn’s Day (Roman father-god, also god of agriculture, justice and strength)
January = Janus (the two faced god, the god of the doorway, looking forward and backward at the same time. This is why we always look back at the year past and then look forward to the future year during January 1st celebrations)
March = Mars (Roman god of war)
April = Aprilis (sacred to worshipers of the Roman goddess Venus, it is suggested that Aprilis was originally the month Aphrilis, from her Greek counterpart Aphrodite.)
May = Maia (a Greek goddess of springtime and fertility, accessible only to women)
June = Juno (Roman goddess, Jupiter’s wife)
July = Julius Caesar (renamed for Julius Caesar, who was officially declared a god to be worshipped by the Romans after his death)
August = Augustus Caesar (renamed for Augustus Caesar, who was also officially declared a god and was to be worshipped by Romans after his death.)
Mercury = (Roman messenger god known for his swift travel)
Venus = (Roman goddess of love)
Mars = (Roman god of war)
Mars = (Roman god of war)
Jupiter = (Roman god-king and the son of Saturn, equated with the Greek god-king Zeus)
Saturn = (Roman equivalent to the Greek father-god Cronus, father to the god that would become king)
Uranus = (Greek grandfather-god, father to Cronus who gave birth to Zeus, considered to be primordial, having no parents himself.)
Neptune = (Roman god of the sea, brother to Jupiter and Pluto, you may know of his Greek counterpart Poseidon)
Pluto = (Roman god of the underworld, his Greek counterpart is better known as Hades)
So, here we see the cage that Satan has built around each of us. Actually trapping us inside our own minds and also the minds of our neighbors. From the time we were small children we have been under assault.
The world has had us transgressing the law and we didn’t even know it and let’s not pretend that this is not transgression of the law. It is clearly written that we shouldn’t speak these names. However, it is a glorious thing that we are under grace and are forgiven of our transgressions.
The world has had us transgressing the law and we didn’t even know it and let’s not pretend that this is not transgression of the law. It is clearly written that we shouldn’t speak these names. However, it is a glorious thing that we are under grace and are forgiven of our transgressions.
We simply have to ask in faith believing and he is just and faithful to forgive us our sins but this doesn’t mean we should willy-nilly disregard the law so that grace may abound.
We really should try to avoid using these names when possible and we should be aware each time we do use them. We should also teach others when we have opportunity so they too can stop giving honor to false gods.
Until Jesus sets up his kingdom we will be in this mess. There is no correcting it. This world is ruled by Satan and this is simply how things are done.
Corruption breeds corruption but we should not be ignorant of the Devil's devices.
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