And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Shadow of Tribulation

I’m sure you have all heard the belief that physical Israel is God’s time-piece. It is a belief that has haunted me throughout my entire Christian life. Yet, after coming to the truth that Israel no longer holds the “chosen people” status, I found the time-piece argument a hard habit to break.

My flawed thinking was that Israel could still be considered the time-piece, not as the chosen people, but rather as the antichrist beast power. After all, the beast does play a prominent role during end-time events.

Still, over time my patience with the argument began to grow thinner, and with a mindset similar to the one I held while watching the Mayan calendar fraud play out, I wanted to wait and see if the theory wouldn’t sink under its own weight.

Therefore, over the last year or so I have been steadily watching a very curious calendar date. This date was curious due to several interesting reasons all of which appeared to pinpoint both the Great Tribulation and the return of Jesus under this time-piece idea.

The theory began with the understanding concerning the infamous 1260 days read about in Revelation 11:3

“And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.”           Revelation 11:3

It has long been believed that 1260 days would be the length of the Great Tribulation, therefore I was shocked to find that from April 10th 2014 until the Feast of Trumpets 2018 was exactly 1260 days.

You may ask why April the 10th would be an important day in Bible prophecy. Well this year April 10th corresponded to Nissan 10th on the Hebrew calendar and this was the day of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Therefore the theory is that the antichrist would wish to counterfeit this with his own “triumphal” entry onto the world stage.

On the other end of this timeline waits the Feast of Trumpets 2018, this date marks not simply another year on the Hebrew calendar but in particular this feast also marks physical Israel’s 70th year as a nation; and as you may know the number 70 has lots of Scriptural backing.

Many of you may remember during the 1980’s when a very convincing case was made that a generation was 40 years long. This was seemingly supported by a strong Scriptural foundation that referred us to the number 40; events such as 40 years in the wilderness, Noah’s 40 days and 40 nights and Jesus’ 40 day fast were brought to our attention and due to this many believed then that the Great Tribulation would correspond to Israel’s 40th year as a nation. 

The theory today is similar but extended from 40 years to 70 years. Scriptural backing includes Israel’s 70 years of captivity, Daniel’s seventy week timeline, seventy times seven and so on. Also the fact that Israel was destroyed in 70 AD is very interesting. So, there is no doubt that the number seventy (as well as seven itself) is very popular in Scripture and seems to offer much backing to the theory.

The main area of support uses Daniel’s timeline as its basis. Daniel writes:

“Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city…”          Daniel 9:24

The word “weeks” here is translated from the Hebrew word: Shabua [Strong’s 7620] which can also mean a specific feast of Israel. That specific feast is Pentecost (known as the feast of weeks due to the counting of the weeks, or “counting of the Omer”, used to calculate its arrival) and since there is only one Pentecost each year it is easy then to surmise that 70 weeks can be translated to mean 70 years.

Now, keep in mind, this is not the accurate way to translate this passage. Daniel’s timeline has already been fulfilled by Jesus and there is no reason for further fulfillment. I won’t get into the specifics but to say that there is no need to take a time period from 2000 years ago and project it into our modern time just to shine a light on physical Israel as a “time-piece”.

However, I must admit it is striking that we would see these things line up the way they have. Including the numerous events that transpired at the same time of Israel’s formation including such entities and events as the NSA, Roswell, World Council of Churches, the baby boom etc. all pointing to something strange going on. (Not to mention the fascinating study that links ancient Babylon to this same period as well.)

In addition to all this, and just as was speculated during the 1980s, these lengths of years also must correspond to another important item from Scripture; and that is that Jesus said all these events would culminate within the span of a single generation.

“Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.”    Luke 21:32

Since it is reasonable to believe that both 40 years and 70 years could be considered a generation, these theories both then and now appeared to support the idea that the time-piece in question was indeed the creation of the little horn state of Israel.

What is not reasonable is to continue to prolong the “length of a generation”. While 40 and 70 make convincing arguments, 71 and beyond become increasingly unbelievable. In fact, beyond 70 there is almost no Scriptural backing for any other length of years except for one exception I could find of 120 years written of in Genesis:

“And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.” Genesis 6:3

Other than this one verse suggesting the life span of men will be 120 years there is no scriptural backing which would pin Israel as the time-piece and also remain consistent with Jesus’ words that said all this would conclude within a generation.

It could be argued that this added a bit of urgency to the idea of Israel being the time-piece, in other words it was now or never folks.

Even further we find that in addition to all this we see very unusual astronomical events commencing near the same time. Four so called “blood moons” interspersed with total and partial eclipses of the sun. Obviously bringing into remembrance the Scripture that says:

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come: Acts 2:20

While the “blood moons” garnered most of pop Christianity’s attention, as I have explained, there were other much deeper issues that one could have delved into to support this belief that the Lord was soon to return and that physical Israel was indeed the Lord’s “time-piece”.

Therefore with bated breath I waited for the 10th of April to arrive. It soon did, and just like in the 1980s, absolutely nothing happened that could be said to equate to an antichrist world power taking control of everything.

So what does this mean? Is this just another failed theory? Sure, for those poor saps waiting for the pre-tribulation rapture and following John Hagee’s “blood moon” theory there will be yet another disappointment; yet another stain on Christianity!

However it would be wrong to simply toss this all aside as just another missed date and not try to learn from it. If it were simply a case of the “blood moons” we could laugh this one out of the room but as I have explained it was much more and it “seemingly” had huge Scriptural support.

So, what does this mean? The first realization we can address is that Israel is not has never been and will never be the Lord’s “time-piece”. The church has had physical Israel held over its head for nearly seventy years now, bringing with it a strong desire in Christians to forget their chosen place with God and instead give that status back to physical Israel.

Since the formation of Israel the church has seen stunning decreases across the board and have not only lost their identity but the Gospel message itself. In fact, the formation of little horn state of Israel has had such a mesmerizing effect on believers as to cause Christianity’s near destruction.

Surprisingly, what they couldn’t accomplish 2000 years ago when the Jews nearly destroyed Christianity, as they actually chased down and killed believers, in 70 short years they have all but accomplished again without firing a shot as it were.

Amazingly it has all been done right under our noses with Israel seeming to be our most trusted friend. Yes, Christianity is again reeling in the face of the little horn state of Israel and most are completely unaware and continue singing physical Israel’s song.

So understand with confidence that not only is physical Israel no longer chosen but they are also not the Lord’s time-piece either. You can stop wasting your time with those who continue to tout this belief.

While this may be the most practical lesson and one that should prove very profitable in spotting false prophets there is another deeper understanding that came out of this.

After the day came and went, it dawned on me that what I had been witnessing wasn’t the start of the Tribulation itself but something we are all becoming more and more familiar with; the idea of a spiritual signature; a prophetic ripple.

You will remember the BP oil spill and how it indicated a spiritual signature (a shadow) of the bottomless pit event written about in Revelation. The video of the oil blowing out of the ruptured piping on the bottom of the ocean certainly resembled smoke billowing out of a bottomless pit. The initials “BP” stand for British Petroleum but could also mean “Bottomless Pit”; and don’t forget the whole ordeal wrapped up nicely in exactly 5 months (just as James Lloyd of Christian Media predicted).

So, was this the event spoken of in Revelation? No, it was merely a shadow, a prophetic ripple. This is why we see such striking similarities and also why so many people are lured into believing these events are the real thing.

Again you will remember the Chernobyl nuclear accident that caused huge devastation and cast its shadow from the fallen star “Wormwood” also written of in Revelation.

 “And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.” Revelation 8:11

You may already be aware that the name Chernobyl originates from a plant species known as chernobylnik (meaning black grass or black stalks). This species in question is better known to us as mugwort or common wormwood. Hence we see a direct link to the name of this star.
Further, the Chernobyl disaster did indeed pollute many waters as we read in this excerpt from Wikipedia:

The Chernobyl nuclear power plant is located next to the Pripyat River, which feeds into the Dnieper reservoir system, one of the largest surface water systems in Europe, which at the time supplied water to Kiev's 2.4 million residents, and was still in spring flood when the accident occurred. The radioactive contamination of aquatic systems therefore became a major problem in the immediate aftermath of the accident.

So, do we conclude that Chernobyl is the fulfillment of Revelation 8:11? No, it is but a mere shadow of the true event. If you have studied the idea of spiritual signatures at Christian Media this will come as no shock to you as we are literally swimming in these signatures (or ripples); and there are too many of them to mention.

The evidence we are seeing now is just another prophetic ripple cast from the Great Tribulation itself. Interestingly it is only one of many ripples emanating from it.  When you throw a stone into a body of water it forms many ripples not just one. So, you may remember several other dates that have also seemed to line up with Scripture (such as the one spoken of in this article that transpired in the 1980s).

Perhaps you have heard of 1843 and the great disappointment when William Miller had it all figured out based largely on the historicist view of a 1290 year tribulation period. Yes, Mr. Miller merely recognized another spiritual shadow. So it wasn’t so much that he was wrong (although he ultimately was), he simply mistook a shadow for the real McCoy; something we have all done.

Therefore, while the Tribulation itself did not officially begin last week, I certainly would not be surprised to see events escalating in a big way over the next few years; just as they have always gotten progressively worse after each so called “failed” prediction, each in its own time.

So, with that said I will leave you with one final thought that even though we are sure to see incredible physical manifestations during these times, whatever shape the Tribulation and the return of Christ eventually takes we can be sure that the real substance will be spiritual.

In Christ,
Jonn Mooney