And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15

Friday, November 30, 2012

What's to come?

During my life Israel has always played an important role as an indicator of the end times but recently I came to realize that while they do play a role it is the role of the antichrist and not of the chosen people.

If you are interested in following that line of thought you can search through my past articles and read the ones concerning Israel. I suggest, "Who are the chosen people?" and "I will bless those that bless thee" as a starting point. Anyway, just because I have misidentified Israel's role in the past, doesn't mean that they do not play a part in indicating the end days. I wouldn't be dogmatic about this but it is worth writing down before the facts play out.

So, what happens over the next few months? Well, if the nation-state of Israel being back in the land has any bearing on end days timing, I am convinced it will all play out before Passover of 2013. Why Passover? Well this Passover will leave Israel with only 3 1/2 years left before they turn 70 years old in 2017.

You may say, "Jonn, Israel became a nation in 1948 so 70 years later would bring us to 2018 not 2017." That is correct but remember the prophecy, it says from the going forth of the commandment, not the actual beginning of the state.

Of course all of this is based on the skewed understanding that is taught by the churches today, but the antichrist will wish to capitalize on these mistakes and use them to his advantage. If millions believe it, then why not give them what they want?

Anyway, from the going forth of the commandment in 1947 leaves us with Israel turning 70 in 2017. Then removing 3 1/2 years, to account for the tribulation, leaves us at the Passover of 2013 just mere months from now.

Let me be clear. There will be no reason to believe that physical Israel plays any large predictive role in prophecy if nothing happens on this date. When Israel turned 40, everyone believed 40 years was a generation and that that generation would not pass, but it did. At the time the case could be made that a generation was longer than 40 years but time is running out for that line of thought.

If 70 years goes by and nothing happens then there is no reason to continue to look to physical Israel as a major indicator of prophecy, it begins to stretch the imagination that longer than seventy years could still be considered a generation. Plus, Daniel tells us that 70 weeks are determined (or seventy feasts of weeks -pentecosts-) on Israel so if anything is going to happen it must be now.

Here is what I am looking for. Sometime before Passover there will be some sort of grand destruction. Perhaps the world economy falls, perhaps Israel uses nukes in an attack on Iran, perhaps a false flag attack that we are not expecting. Regardless of what shape it takes it must happen within the next few months. Why? Well, as you know the antichrist is given power to rule 42 months and by Passover 2013 there will be left 42 months before Israel's 70th birthday.

As you know God is very precise. So, on Passover, if physical Israel is any indicator, the final 3 1/2 years will have begun. If nothing happens by then I for one will question Israel's standing as a prophecy marker. After all, true believers already know that the real Israel is not in the Middle East anyway but we are Spiritual. So any fulfillment of Israel's prophecies, I will look to Spiritual Israel for the fulfillment, not physical.

However, I will tell you right now it certainly isn't much of a stretch to see everything falling into place. A surprise nuclear strike on Iran by Israel or a world economic collapse could quickly place Israel in the world's driver's seat by March 2013. Once there, everything will be running full force. For 42 months the world government will be given power to overcome the saints. Many will fall but many will be given safety in the wilderness also. As of this moment all of this stuff looks very possible.

So, I may come back and update this with more details (as I have written it down very quickly as a witness). I have skipped over some important details but the jist of it is here and will stand. I will say that the more I consider this the more I see it happening. We are just one disastrous event away from an official world government taking power and the little horn must rule. We will have our answer very quickly.

I am not telling you this is definitely going to happen, just that if physical Israel has any meaning as an end times marker then it must happen. If nothing happens you can stop looking so closely to physical Israel for any large end-times timing clues and rather begin looking to Spiritual Israel to fulfill those.

Don't misunderstand me however, physical Israel will still be an important player just not as the "main time-piece" we have always considered them to be. PASSOVER 2013 will tell.


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Dean Gotcher audio

Hi all,

I am please to announce that the meeting with Dean Gotcher was a success and I also wanted to let everyone know that the audio track is available for download here. It is listed beside the heading "BRISTOL, TN  2012-11-08". Please listen to the presentation and spend some time at Dean's site, and don't forget to listen to the other audios there also, this is truly life changing stuff.

It is amazing how easily our entire society has been fooled by the methods that Dean alerts us to. We have been and continue to be driven like a herd of sheep, all of us trying to do our own wills, which is the most basic form of Satanism. Jesus never did His own will but rather always did the will of His Father, even unto the death.

It is Satanism because to worship the Devil does not mean that you seek out what the Devil wants you to do and then obey him. No, that is God's hierarchy, not the Devil's. The Devil gains control over you, not by having you do his will but rather by having you do YOUR will. In the process of chasing of your own goals and dreams, instead of doing what God would have you do, Satan gains control over you and you become his servant. I will say it again, TO DO YOUR OWN WILL IS TO WORSHIP SATAN.

Jesus never tells us to do what WE want to do but always that we should obey the commandments and do the will of the Father. We actually believe that doing what we want to do is a good thing. We encourage people to do what THEY want to do and follow THEIR dreams. That sounds good doesn't it? Well, there is nothing good about it. You should never do what you want to do unless you have permission to do it from the Lord.

However, today this form of obedience is scoffed at and anyone who attempts to hold to a fixed belief is attacked as being closed minded, rude and selfish. Christians who follow what the Bible says instead of doing what they want to do will find surprising resistance in all areas of their lives. Still, this way of thinking is exactly what Jesus was attempting to demonstrate to us, don't do what you want to do but rather do what your Father in Heaven wants you to do.

Well, I just wanted to let everyone know that the meeting was a success and I hope this article has piqued your interest. Dean Gotcher is the master of bringing out this understanding and his website is full of articles and audios from his meetings and radio shows. If you are serious about your Christianity you cannot afford to be without this information. I encourage you to spend lots of time there and support Dean by sending a gift or purchasing his books and DVDs. You can click here for his homepage or use the "Authority Research" link in the sidebar.
