Could you imagine working with someone and suddenly finding out that they did not believe that two plus two equaled four? What would your response be? Would you say "well I believe that 2+2=4 but I respect your opinion that it doesn't".
Let me ask you to consider your answer carefully because your response may shock you. For the sake of maintaining the relationship with the person with the faulty beliefs would you make the above statement?
Further, you may not realize that you likely do this very thing everyday.
Every time we tell someone the truth and they do not accept it, we find ourselves wanting to say that we don't agree with them but we respect their right to their own opinion because no one knows the full truth. When we do this we negate the word of God.
The fact that Jesus died for our sins and made a way for us to enter into His Kingdom is just as true as 2+2=4. Now, while it is very hard to find someone who doesn't believe that 2+2=4, it is not difficult to find someone who disagrees that Jesus is our Savior.
These people are everywhere, all just waiting to barf at the first sign of the Truth. Even among Christians it is not hard to find people who do this. For instance the pre-tribulation rapture is a complete lie, it will not happen. Yet Christians by the millions barf each time they hear it.
If you haven't read my article on the rapture it can be found on this website under the name "Where the Eagles be gathered" It takes a close look at the doctrine and I would appreciate it if you would quickly read it if you still believe in the rapture.
Also visit my pages on the various holidays, those links can be found on the sidebar. I don't know how many times Christians have barfed at the fact that Christmas is completely pagan. Let's not forget about Easter either, it too is pagan through and through. There is NO doubt about this, it is NOT my opinion, it is simple plain fact.
Yet, time after time Christians react angrily when they hear these facts.
Just think about the ramifications of doing this. Do you barf at truths like this? Stop yourself for a moment and think about it. Christmas and Easter are PAGAN festivals and this can be proven easily with everyday encyclopedias and internet searches. You can say that the Church made them holy or some other nonsense but these facts cannot be honestly denied.
Yet rather than correct your ways, rather than line yourself up with the Truth, you decide instead to continue following the PAGAN ways. You make up all sorts of excuses to continue doing what you are doing and you find NO reason to correct your actions.
When someone tells you these truths, you make barfing sounds. "Doooon't youuuuuugh tell me Christmas and Easter are Paguuuughn. uuuuuuugh! Youuuuugh take things tooooo far. bluuuuuuugh! Get out of here, I don't like youuuuugh!"
If you read that phonetically you can understand why I call it barfing at the truth. When you hear it it sounds like you are upchucking all over the carpet.
Just imagine the person that believes that 2+2=5. Imagine that person doing the same thing.
"Doooon't youuuuuugh tell me 2+2=4. uuuuuuugh! Youuuuugh take things tooooo far. bluuuuuuugh! Get out of here, I don't like youuuuugh!" That is exactly what you sound like when you barf at truths, any truth.
Now this isn't a pitch to get you to stop celebrating Christmas or Easter or even to stop believing in the false rapture but rather to have you stop and consider for a moment what you are doing. Do you love the truth? Most people quickly say yes but then reject it when they hear it.
So this article is a simple test. When you hear the truth about the rapture, Christmas and Easter do you accept it or do you squirm around until you can figure a way out of it? Take your time and consider what I have told you, make sure I am telling you the truth, then decide. However, when you see the truth do you respond by barfing at it?
After all, you said you love the Truth but perhaps you only love what you "believe" the truth is and not the real Truth, in-spite of all the supporting facts.
Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. Joel 3:14
And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15
Monday, April 30, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Into the Wilderness
Recently I received this question to my position that the Church is corrupt and should be left by true Christians.
We are commanded, as believers, not to forsake the gathering of ourselves together (Hebrews 10:25). Does this mean you no longer attend any organized Christian services at all? If so, how is this justified in light of the Scripture I have quoted above?
Let's look at a short parable to answer this question.
Matthew 13: 33 "Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened."
This may sound strange at first but this parable is telling us that the Kingdom of Heaven will be completely leavened as we see that it is today.
We are also told in Daniel 2:44 "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever."
Here we see the prophecy that Jesus will set up his kingdom "in the days of these kings" (Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece and Rome) and that these kingdoms will all break in pieces and be consumed by His kingdom. This is all proven easily even by secular historians. All four of these "kingdoms have been broken and consumed" However, as Jesus' kingdom grew it also began to be leavened just as Jesus told us in the parable above. So while His kingdom stands forever there is a period of time when it becomes entirely "leavened" and only a remnant will be saved.
It is hard to deny that the Church has no power left today. They preach false doctrine, usually prosperity doctrine and have to serve coffee and have live bands in order to even get people to come. Churches are little more than large social clubs where the preacher is afraid to tell the truth because he knows he will be fired if he does.
This is one of the main reasons we believe lies such as Easter. We have never been taught the truth. All the pastors that should have taught us these things instead sold us out. For instance it is easy to go to an encyclopedia and discover that "Easter" is actually the English transliteration of the goddess name "Ishtar" "Eostra" "Ashtoroth" and many other names. We have Easter eggs, rabbits, baby chickens and lilies all of which represent fertility.
The reason we have so many fertility symbols during the so called celebration of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection is because it isn't about Jesus at all but instead it is about a fertility goddess called "Easter". The holiday is set each year in accordance with the lunar cycle.
In pagan times it was celebrated on the new moon. In fact, the new moon arrives (goes dark) and over about a 1 and 1/2 day period it stays dark until finally a thin sliver of a moon appears. This time frame is the exact time frame that we see from "good Friday" until Easter Sunday. That is why we celebrate that pattern instead of the true time frame of Jesus' time in the tomb, which as you noted before, was 3 full days and 3 full nights.
"Easter", according to mythology, was a lunar goddess and she descends into the underworld to rescue the sun god who had prematurely died (winter). When the moon goes dark that is symbolic of her decent into Hades and when the sliver of the moon reappears it is symbolic of her return. When she returns she also brings back the sun god with her, this is symbolic of springtime arriving with all the fertility we see such as the eggs, rabbits, baby chicks and the Easter lilies. So Easter, (or Ishtar) returns with the sun god and kicks off springtime.
Today, the holiday is still set by the moon. The only difference is the Catholic Church changed the date from the first "new moon" after the spring equinox to the first Sunday, after the "full moon", after the spring equinox. There are many other details of this paganism but I just can't cover them all in one single response, that would take an entire book.
The only way to say it is that the Church is completely leavened, just as Jesus foretold in His parable. Therefore if the Church is completely leavened then we have no choice but to leave it and go into the spiritual wilderness.
If you think about it, this is God's pattern when dealing with His people. Look at the Exodus, when Joseph first arrives there he is treated well, even as a prisoner, and eventually he rises to rule all of Egypt with only Pharaoh above him. That Pharaoh is blessed by his treatment of God's people, hence the prophecy "I will bless those that bless you". However, over the years Egypt changes until God's people are simple slaves and then He calls them out of Egypt (which used to be good) and into the wilderness.
Once the body that God's people are residing in becomes fully leavened God brings them out and into a temporary wilderness experience. In Revelation we see the woman is given wings of an eagle to carry her into the wilderness where she is taken care of.
The scripture in Hebrews 10: 25 "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." is 100% correct. The only problem is that there aren't many to assemble with.
The Church today has a name as if it were alive but they deny the power thereof. They are nothing more than whited sepulchres with pastors who won't even tell us the truth about Easter. The ones that do are removed and replaced by someone who will tell the people what they want to hear.
When I find fellow Christians, I do my best to assemble with them, which is usually via email because, unfortunately those who go to today's churches are not really Christians and don't care to be. They are perfectly happy the way they are. If you told them the truth, as I have in this response, they would recoil in anger and say that all I wanted to do was ruin the fun for the kids. If they were true Christians they would not tolerate (and even embrace) all those lies.
I assume you still attend church? I would love to hear what your pastor would say if you confronted him with my article here about Easter and why it is he doesn't bother to be honest with his people about the paganism that has made its way into the Church? Even if he admitted the truth he would never think of cancelling next year's festivities.
He will probably say it isn't important but he would never dare to insult his wife by celebrating her life by showing pictures and memorabilia from a former girlfriend. So why is it ok to insult God by celebrating Him by doing all the things that pagans do when they worship their gods.
Of course I don't know your pastor but I don't have to, It would be one of the most shocking things to find out a church of more than 30 being told the truth about these holidays. Why such small numbers? Because the large crowd will leave to go to someone else who will tell them what they want to hear, which is lies!
We do love our lies, don't we.
We are commanded, as believers, not to forsake the gathering of ourselves together (Hebrews 10:25). Does this mean you no longer attend any organized Christian services at all? If so, how is this justified in light of the Scripture I have quoted above?
Let's look at a short parable to answer this question.
Matthew 13: 33 "Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened."
This may sound strange at first but this parable is telling us that the Kingdom of Heaven will be completely leavened as we see that it is today.
We are also told in Daniel 2:44 "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever."
Here we see the prophecy that Jesus will set up his kingdom "in the days of these kings" (Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece and Rome) and that these kingdoms will all break in pieces and be consumed by His kingdom. This is all proven easily even by secular historians. All four of these "kingdoms have been broken and consumed" However, as Jesus' kingdom grew it also began to be leavened just as Jesus told us in the parable above. So while His kingdom stands forever there is a period of time when it becomes entirely "leavened" and only a remnant will be saved.
It is hard to deny that the Church has no power left today. They preach false doctrine, usually prosperity doctrine and have to serve coffee and have live bands in order to even get people to come. Churches are little more than large social clubs where the preacher is afraid to tell the truth because he knows he will be fired if he does.
This is one of the main reasons we believe lies such as Easter. We have never been taught the truth. All the pastors that should have taught us these things instead sold us out. For instance it is easy to go to an encyclopedia and discover that "Easter" is actually the English transliteration of the goddess name "Ishtar" "Eostra" "Ashtoroth" and many other names. We have Easter eggs, rabbits, baby chickens and lilies all of which represent fertility.
The reason we have so many fertility symbols during the so called celebration of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection is because it isn't about Jesus at all but instead it is about a fertility goddess called "Easter". The holiday is set each year in accordance with the lunar cycle.
In pagan times it was celebrated on the new moon. In fact, the new moon arrives (goes dark) and over about a 1 and 1/2 day period it stays dark until finally a thin sliver of a moon appears. This time frame is the exact time frame that we see from "good Friday" until Easter Sunday. That is why we celebrate that pattern instead of the true time frame of Jesus' time in the tomb, which as you noted before, was 3 full days and 3 full nights.
"Easter", according to mythology, was a lunar goddess and she descends into the underworld to rescue the sun god who had prematurely died (winter). When the moon goes dark that is symbolic of her decent into Hades and when the sliver of the moon reappears it is symbolic of her return. When she returns she also brings back the sun god with her, this is symbolic of springtime arriving with all the fertility we see such as the eggs, rabbits, baby chicks and the Easter lilies. So Easter, (or Ishtar) returns with the sun god and kicks off springtime.
Today, the holiday is still set by the moon. The only difference is the Catholic Church changed the date from the first "new moon" after the spring equinox to the first Sunday, after the "full moon", after the spring equinox. There are many other details of this paganism but I just can't cover them all in one single response, that would take an entire book.
The only way to say it is that the Church is completely leavened, just as Jesus foretold in His parable. Therefore if the Church is completely leavened then we have no choice but to leave it and go into the spiritual wilderness.
If you think about it, this is God's pattern when dealing with His people. Look at the Exodus, when Joseph first arrives there he is treated well, even as a prisoner, and eventually he rises to rule all of Egypt with only Pharaoh above him. That Pharaoh is blessed by his treatment of God's people, hence the prophecy "I will bless those that bless you". However, over the years Egypt changes until God's people are simple slaves and then He calls them out of Egypt (which used to be good) and into the wilderness.
Once the body that God's people are residing in becomes fully leavened God brings them out and into a temporary wilderness experience. In Revelation we see the woman is given wings of an eagle to carry her into the wilderness where she is taken care of.
The scripture in Hebrews 10: 25 "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." is 100% correct. The only problem is that there aren't many to assemble with.
The Church today has a name as if it were alive but they deny the power thereof. They are nothing more than whited sepulchres with pastors who won't even tell us the truth about Easter. The ones that do are removed and replaced by someone who will tell the people what they want to hear.
When I find fellow Christians, I do my best to assemble with them, which is usually via email because, unfortunately those who go to today's churches are not really Christians and don't care to be. They are perfectly happy the way they are. If you told them the truth, as I have in this response, they would recoil in anger and say that all I wanted to do was ruin the fun for the kids. If they were true Christians they would not tolerate (and even embrace) all those lies.
I assume you still attend church? I would love to hear what your pastor would say if you confronted him with my article here about Easter and why it is he doesn't bother to be honest with his people about the paganism that has made its way into the Church? Even if he admitted the truth he would never think of cancelling next year's festivities.
He will probably say it isn't important but he would never dare to insult his wife by celebrating her life by showing pictures and memorabilia from a former girlfriend. So why is it ok to insult God by celebrating Him by doing all the things that pagans do when they worship their gods.
Of course I don't know your pastor but I don't have to, It would be one of the most shocking things to find out a church of more than 30 being told the truth about these holidays. Why such small numbers? Because the large crowd will leave to go to someone else who will tell them what they want to hear, which is lies!
We do love our lies, don't we.
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