And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Daniel's Seventy Weeks Timeline

Here is my major project for 2012. I had thought all year that I would write another book but for some reason that never got off the ground.

Please, feel free to copy and use this timeline a much as you like, just please do not make changes to it. If you need to start changing things just make your own timeline, it isn't hard to do nowadays.

Anyway, I wanted those who were interested to see the timeline clearly spelled out so there is no confusion. Please download it and pass it around to friends and let me know if you find any errors. I am very much interested in eliminating any errors (changing it to make room for a 7 year tribulation and a pre-trib "rapture" is not the same as finding an error).

Well, the chart images are below. I pray these serve to strengthen your faith in Christ.


click on the images to see a larger version, then right click and save your own copy, which should allow you to zoom in on the smaller print.

The world WILL NOT END on December 21, 2012

The world WILL NOT END on December 21, 2012.

...enough said.

Friday, November 30, 2012

What's to come?

During my life Israel has always played an important role as an indicator of the end times but recently I came to realize that while they do play a role it is the role of the antichrist and not of the chosen people.

If you are interested in following that line of thought you can search through my past articles and read the ones concerning Israel. I suggest, "Who are the chosen people?" and "I will bless those that bless thee" as a starting point. Anyway, just because I have misidentified Israel's role in the past, doesn't mean that they do not play a part in indicating the end days. I wouldn't be dogmatic about this but it is worth writing down before the facts play out.

So, what happens over the next few months? Well, if the nation-state of Israel being back in the land has any bearing on end days timing, I am convinced it will all play out before Passover of 2013. Why Passover? Well this Passover will leave Israel with only 3 1/2 years left before they turn 70 years old in 2017.

You may say, "Jonn, Israel became a nation in 1948 so 70 years later would bring us to 2018 not 2017." That is correct but remember the prophecy, it says from the going forth of the commandment, not the actual beginning of the state.

Of course all of this is based on the skewed understanding that is taught by the churches today, but the antichrist will wish to capitalize on these mistakes and use them to his advantage. If millions believe it, then why not give them what they want?

Anyway, from the going forth of the commandment in 1947 leaves us with Israel turning 70 in 2017. Then removing 3 1/2 years, to account for the tribulation, leaves us at the Passover of 2013 just mere months from now.

Let me be clear. There will be no reason to believe that physical Israel plays any large predictive role in prophecy if nothing happens on this date. When Israel turned 40, everyone believed 40 years was a generation and that that generation would not pass, but it did. At the time the case could be made that a generation was longer than 40 years but time is running out for that line of thought.

If 70 years goes by and nothing happens then there is no reason to continue to look to physical Israel as a major indicator of prophecy, it begins to stretch the imagination that longer than seventy years could still be considered a generation. Plus, Daniel tells us that 70 weeks are determined (or seventy feasts of weeks -pentecosts-) on Israel so if anything is going to happen it must be now.

Here is what I am looking for. Sometime before Passover there will be some sort of grand destruction. Perhaps the world economy falls, perhaps Israel uses nukes in an attack on Iran, perhaps a false flag attack that we are not expecting. Regardless of what shape it takes it must happen within the next few months. Why? Well, as you know the antichrist is given power to rule 42 months and by Passover 2013 there will be left 42 months before Israel's 70th birthday.

As you know God is very precise. So, on Passover, if physical Israel is any indicator, the final 3 1/2 years will have begun. If nothing happens by then I for one will question Israel's standing as a prophecy marker. After all, true believers already know that the real Israel is not in the Middle East anyway but we are Spiritual. So any fulfillment of Israel's prophecies, I will look to Spiritual Israel for the fulfillment, not physical.

However, I will tell you right now it certainly isn't much of a stretch to see everything falling into place. A surprise nuclear strike on Iran by Israel or a world economic collapse could quickly place Israel in the world's driver's seat by March 2013. Once there, everything will be running full force. For 42 months the world government will be given power to overcome the saints. Many will fall but many will be given safety in the wilderness also. As of this moment all of this stuff looks very possible.

So, I may come back and update this with more details (as I have written it down very quickly as a witness). I have skipped over some important details but the jist of it is here and will stand. I will say that the more I consider this the more I see it happening. We are just one disastrous event away from an official world government taking power and the little horn must rule. We will have our answer very quickly.

I am not telling you this is definitely going to happen, just that if physical Israel has any meaning as an end times marker then it must happen. If nothing happens you can stop looking so closely to physical Israel for any large end-times timing clues and rather begin looking to Spiritual Israel to fulfill those.

Don't misunderstand me however, physical Israel will still be an important player just not as the "main time-piece" we have always considered them to be. PASSOVER 2013 will tell.


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Dean Gotcher audio

Hi all,

I am please to announce that the meeting with Dean Gotcher was a success and I also wanted to let everyone know that the audio track is available for download here. It is listed beside the heading "BRISTOL, TN  2012-11-08". Please listen to the presentation and spend some time at Dean's site, and don't forget to listen to the other audios there also, this is truly life changing stuff.

It is amazing how easily our entire society has been fooled by the methods that Dean alerts us to. We have been and continue to be driven like a herd of sheep, all of us trying to do our own wills, which is the most basic form of Satanism. Jesus never did His own will but rather always did the will of His Father, even unto the death.

It is Satanism because to worship the Devil does not mean that you seek out what the Devil wants you to do and then obey him. No, that is God's hierarchy, not the Devil's. The Devil gains control over you, not by having you do his will but rather by having you do YOUR will. In the process of chasing of your own goals and dreams, instead of doing what God would have you do, Satan gains control over you and you become his servant. I will say it again, TO DO YOUR OWN WILL IS TO WORSHIP SATAN.

Jesus never tells us to do what WE want to do but always that we should obey the commandments and do the will of the Father. We actually believe that doing what we want to do is a good thing. We encourage people to do what THEY want to do and follow THEIR dreams. That sounds good doesn't it? Well, there is nothing good about it. You should never do what you want to do unless you have permission to do it from the Lord.

However, today this form of obedience is scoffed at and anyone who attempts to hold to a fixed belief is attacked as being closed minded, rude and selfish. Christians who follow what the Bible says instead of doing what they want to do will find surprising resistance in all areas of their lives. Still, this way of thinking is exactly what Jesus was attempting to demonstrate to us, don't do what you want to do but rather do what your Father in Heaven wants you to do.

Well, I just wanted to let everyone know that the meeting was a success and I hope this article has piqued your interest. Dean Gotcher is the master of bringing out this understanding and his website is full of articles and audios from his meetings and radio shows. If you are serious about your Christianity you cannot afford to be without this information. I encourage you to spend lots of time there and support Dean by sending a gift or purchasing his books and DVDs. You can click here for his homepage or use the "Authority Research" link in the sidebar.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dean Gotcher

I wanted to let everyone know that I am honored to have Dean Gotcher coming to the area on November 8th to speak. We will be meeting at the Outdoorsmen Meeting Hall in Blountville, Tenn. at 6:30. The building is located on 11W between Kingsport and Bristol and is just behind the IBEW Union Hall.

Please feel free to stop by but be ready to hear some hard truth. Dean is the master of exposing the evil dialectic formula that has been thrust upon our society like a Pandora's Box. Dean has dubbed this process "the Diaprax" or simply the practice of the dialectical process and after he exposes it many become offended because they realize that they are steeped in it and rather than repent they decide to lash out.

Almost everyone you know uses this process and those who do not use it are usually singled out as being hateful, intolerant and maladjusted. Such is our society today, that those who speak the language of God are considered unworthy and those who speak like dragons (Diaprax) are loved by all.

Well, be that as it may, I am pleased to have Dean and his wife Karen coming in November. Please pray for Dean as he makes his way southward after doing several other presentations from Illinois to Maine. If you would like to visit his website it can be found at, which I have listed in the sidebar.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Giant Rotten Tomato

I began to wonder the other day as I pondered on all the articles of the economic collapse that is soon to come upon us and the world. The secular writers carry on about how bad it is going to be, and from their point of view it would be. Facing this collapse without God must be a fearful thing but for the remnant of Israel it is not so bad.

First off, we will be protected by God during this time, just as He protected Israel while the plagues were hitting Egypt. Sure we will be in the midst of it and that will be bad enough but we are not concerned about our physical wealth and welfare but rather we are concerned with spiritual things. The fall of the dollar is of little significance to us. In fact it could actually be a good thing as far as that goes.

I mean getting rid of the dollar also means getting rid of the evil that is attached to it. It means getting rid of the money grubbing idiots that have greedily destroyed any virtue that we once had as a nation. It means being rid of the society as we have it today where most people walk around staring into little electronic boxes playing games and reading text messages.

Yes, it is a terrible world we have constructed. I for one will be glad to be shed of it and the sooner the better. Until then you can still respond to the Gospel message of hope and salvation for your soul. There is still a little time left before it all goes completely bad.

But just as fruit goes through stages, so will our country and the world. Consider, as a tomatoes ripens it is good to eat, soon however it begins to decay. At first it is still good to eat, just cut off the small bad section and it is fine. Later however, it isn't so easy.

Soon the tomato is just plain rotten and fit for nothing but the compost pile. At this point if you leave it laying around it attracts all sort of bugs and flies. It begins to stink up your house and even gets so bad that you can't bring yourself to even touch it in order to throw it away, you actually have to scape it off the plate with a knife into the compost pile.

Such is the state of our country, yes in fact the entire world. It is a giant rotten tomato and it must continue through the same cycle as the tomato does. There is no stopping it. You can no more stop it than you can prevent a tomato from also going bad. The only hope would have been to turn back to the Lord and only He is able to preserve, but that was not to be.

Fortunately for Christians, we understand that a new day is soon coming. A one thousand year period where we will reign and rule with Christ. He will rule with a rod of iron and things will be set back as they were intended. While spiritually we are with Him there now (for in eternity there is no beginning or ending) but physically we are still staring at the problem of getting this giant rotten tomato into the compost pile without getting it all over us.

My advice is to stop trying, set your eyes upon Him. He will clean all this mess up soon enough, study the Word, prepare yourself to have an answer for any man who asks you of the hope that is within you. Pray and follow Jesus with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding.

Blessings to the Remnant of Israel.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Out of Place Artifacts

I came across another article I had written awhile back and it dovetails nicely with the next one called "Behold now behemoth". This one looks at the topic from a concept known as OOPART or (out of place artifacts).

I hope these two articles make you think. They are not simply interesting reading, they devastate the current scientific understanding that is taught in schools all over the world. These two simple stories show all of evolution to be false.


Having located the wreckage of a ship suspected to have sunk during the 1600’s, a treasure hunter begins diving expeditions. Much to his joy he soon discovers a large treasure trove of coins among the wreckage and after recovering the treasure he sits down with his crew and begins to catalog the find.

All of his research has told him this shipwreck is from the 1600’s. The coins mostly dated from hundreds of years ago and the other recovered items also seem to suggest that the ship must have sunk during this time. However, as he is searching through the coins, he discovers a few quarters dated 1964. This is an example of what has become known as “OOPART”, or an “out of place artifact”.

This is something present that should not be present based on modern scientific understanding. There are many examples of this phenomenon with us today but many times instead of realizing the obvious realities these objects bring with them we simply continue believing a theory that can’t possibly be true.

For instance, evolution theory tells us that dinosaurs lived millions and millions of years ago and that no one throughout all of human history has ever seen a living dinosaur. In fact, they tell us, it was not until the 1800’s that anyone even knew they existed since that was the time the first bone was discovered and also when the term “dinosaur” was created.

So then how is it that we see a vivid description of a dinosaur in the book of Job from our very own Bibles? It appears to me that Job must have seen a dinosaur in order to be able to explain one in such detail and while the full description Job gives us in Chapter 40:15-24 is too lengthy for this short article a choice reference will make my point. The book of Job tells us:

“Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox. Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.”

The mention of the behemoth moving his tail like a cedar seems to be the part that sends most evolutionists into a conniption fit. They claim to have logic and science on their side but for the life of them they cannot come up with a creature that eats grass and moves his tail like a cedar other than the brachiosaurus.

Even modern Bibles try to tell us this verse is talking about an elephant or hippopotamus but if you have ever seen either of these animal’s tails you would have to laugh at such a ridiculous suggestion. NO, the truth is that man lived side by side with dinosaurs for many years and today we believe lies about them.

If we are going to maintain any intellectual honesty at all, we must accept the truth. Just as our intrepid treasure hunter had to realize his error we too must realize what these OOPART occurrences mean.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Behold now behemoth!

Below is a short essay on the topic of dinosaurs in the bible that I wrote as part of an email sent out earlier this year. It begins with a summary of varying church positions today. If you have any questions concerning this topic please send me an email. Blessings.
Some of the more liberal churches today, including the Catholic church, outright teach evolutionary thought as true. However, while most Protestant churches do not outright teach it, they would claim that they do not have a problem with it because they tell us God decided to use long periods of time to perform his work, this is known as the "Gap theory" or the "Day age theory", both assume large periods of time inserted in Genesis to account for the billions of years.
Then there are those churches who say they do not believe in evolution at all and they teach the biblical story of creation but they don't make much of a fuss over their children being taught evolution in every school in the nation. The salt has lost its savor I suppose.
Lastly, there are those who do not feel it is important enough to worry about and that it is an impossible subject to understand and therefore they know nothing about it and don't want to know anything about it.
Having summarized the current church's teaching of the subject, I will point out that in every case our schools are teaching evolution in some form or another to our unsuspecting students. For instance, they tell them that no person has ever seen a living dinosaur. They tell the kids that not until the 1800's did anyone even suspect that dinosaurs had ever walked the earth. This of course was when the first "fossil" was uncovered and the term "dinosaur" was created.
It should have been the churches from the very beginning to put a stop to this lie because within the very pages of our Bibles is a description of a dinosaur. In the book of Job, chapter 40 it states.
"Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox. Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron. He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him. Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play. He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens. The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about. Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth. He taketh it with his eyes: his nose pierceth through snares."
Notice the part that says "he eateth grass as an ox" and "he moveth his tail like a cedar" The creature he is describing is not the elephant or hippopotamus because their tiny tails do not "move like a cedar". It also couldn't be a crocodile or alligator, since they don't eat grass. The only creature that moved his tail like a cedar tree and ate grass as an ox would be the brachiosaurus, apatasaurus or diplodicus.
The long necked, long tailed dinosaur clearly walked the earth with Job as he is told in the Bible to " Behold now behemoth" how can you behold something without being able to see it for yourself? Yet today we are told that no person ever saw a living dinosaur but, according to the Bible, Job saw them.
This one fact pulls the rug out from under evolutionary thinking. If the dinosaurs didn't live millions of years ago then the "fossil record" is false. If the fossil record is false then the "geologic column" is false. If the geologic column is false then the "geologic time scale" is false and the whole of evolutionary theory breaks down.
How could there be a description of a dinosaur when no one was supposed to have known about them at all, much less write down such an accurate description of a living dinosaur?
I hope this will generate some discussion, perhaps it is a hard truth to realize but it is the truth. Man lived with dinosaurs for many years before they died out. If this fact is true then we can only stare in awe at the machine we call secular society and their massive push to teach lies to each and everyone of us and to what end?
So, it is good to know that we believe the Bible, not because we are outdated do-gooders who want to keep people from having fun but rather we believe the Bible because it is true, it is scientific and it is the Word of God.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Losing my life in this world

"And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:34-36

What does it mean to lose your life for the sake of the gospel? This may sound like an easy question but like everything else it has many layers in its true meaning. Of course, being outright killed for the gospel like we see in the case of most of the disciples is the most extreme example and the highest level of fulfilling these passages but what do we say about the other levels?

Each day we are supposed die to the flesh and be crucified with Him but how is that the case when we obviously are not literally killed each day. It becomes clear that the understanding again is very much a spiritual understanding.

Our flesh has many lusty desires and each day we choose whether or not to fulfill these desires. Many among us have absolutely no idea how to control the fulfilling of these desires or even that they are supposed to. All they know is fleshly life. So duped are they that they don't even realize they are spiritual as well as fleshly so therefore they concentrate all their efforts on pleasing the only thing they see as important or should I say the only thing they see at all.

Whether it be the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye or the pride of life. We see all of humanity rushing to please whatever evil manifests within their hearts. People rushing like madmen all after one purpose, fulfilling the desires of their pathetic, selfish flesh.

The Christian, however, desires things not of this world but of the world to come. So when our flesh rises up against us and demands that we fulfill its desires it can be a terrible time. We are so easily distracted by its seemingly ever growing power over us. As we attempt to deny our flesh it seems to pound louder and louder at the door.

Simple hunger pains that at first are easily dismissed, eventually grow into the shakes and then eventually to the point that your mind is consumed with nothing else but filling your belly and it will not focus on anything else.

Your body brings to bear every weapon at its disposal to force you to give it what it wants. Eat or die it will say and you will believe it because in your world it is way too true. You will die if you don't eat but only a fleshly death, your spiritual self will not suffer in the least.

We should constantly practice and strive to deny our flesh, not just in fasting, which we should do often, but in all areas of our lives. Embracing the death of our flesh in everything should be a constant goal. Whether the dimming of our eyes, the lack of energy in our bodies or simply depriving ourselves of the purchase of a desired object. These should all be seen as times of rejoicing instead of a time of panic and dread.

Rejoice if your eyes can not see as well as they used too, your fleshly eyes have deceived you way to often anyway and what a grand opportunity to allow your spiritual eyes the chance to not only grow but take the supreme position as your preferred method of seeing.

Rejoice if your body is experiencing a lack of energy, this gives your spirit opportunity to grow and less energy makes it more difficult to fulfill the sick, disgusting desires of your evil heart. I rejoice that my body is experiencing all these things and that I will one day cross over from this pathetic existence into a much better one.

Now, I am not telling you to lift up sickness and desire to be unhealthy, but rather simply to focus on the spiritual things and rejoice at each turn when the flesh can be defeated. If in the body's infirmities we are able to overcome it, then by all means let the body be filled with infirmities! It is a rare person who can overcome a healthy body filled with vigor and energy.

No, the body filled with vigor and energy desires to do things of the flesh, it is strong and cares little for anything other than filling its own desires. The spirit is usually suffocated in the presence of a strong, youthful body. Therefore, I desire a weak body that I may have a strong spirit.

So what I am saying is by allowing our bodies to weaken we can possibly gain an advantage over them and possibly now you can see why true Christianity is a path seldom walked. Who would read this and say "Wow! What a great idea. Let's allow our bodies to die so we may live!" Do you know anyone, or would you yourself say this is a good idea and one that you would follow?

I think not because nearly everyone you meet is worried about one thing and one thing only. That is the pleasing of their flesh, whether by going to the doctor or buying the new car or whatever else you can think of, it really matters not about the details as long as the flesh is pacified. I say rather let it die and the sooner the better.

Of course it would be foolish to intentionally seek to live in a sick, unhealthy body. To intentionally eat things that are bad for you or to do things that cause you to be unhealthy is wrong and that is not what I am espousing here. All I am saying is that if you happen to be in this state then rejoice and do not whine or focus on things to specifically "recapture" your youth or some other nonsense.

That would be like committing suicide to quicken our trip to heaven. That is simply not how it works, we are not the ones who make those decisions. If we follow Him first, the physical state of our bodies will be of less and less importance.

We will find that we will be given the precise amount of health or infirmity to accomplish what He wants us to accomplish with nothing more or nothing less left over. For in having too much we rush off to do our own wills and too little has us not completing the work He has for us to do. Desire to have just the right amount!

Do His will and do not seek to do your own will. For as we are told again in Matthew 16:25 "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it."

Thursday, August 23, 2012

a few interesting quotes

"When a honest man, honestly mistaken, comes face-to-face with undeniable and irrefutable truth, he is faced with one of two choices, he must either cease being mistaken or cease being honest." - Amicus Solo

"There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose." - John Maynard Keynes, A. D. 1919.

"The fact is that the average man's love of liberty is nine-tenths imaginary, exactly like his love of sense, justice and truth. He is not actually happy when free; he is uncomfortable, a bit alarmed, and intolerably lonely. Liberty is not a thing for the great masses of men. It is the exclusive possession of a small and disreputable minority, like knowledge, courage and honor. It takes a special sort of man to understand and enjoy liberty-- and he is usually an outlaw in democratic societies." -- H.L. Mencken, Baltimore Evening Sun, Feb. 12, A. D. 1923

Monday, July 30, 2012

It's the Lies, People!

Anymore, it is to the point that I do not want to be around anyone, other than my immediate family that is and even then I spend a lot of time reading and studying and not in socializing.

I began to ask myself why this was. I remember back as a child I could play with the other children and not have a care in the world. Back then it wasn't about lying and cheating. It wasn't about getting ahead or beating someone out of the top spot or even winning at all. It was just children playing, at least to me, and nothing more. I accepted it wholeheartedly.

That was back in the 1970's and to be sure there was a lot of evil in the world back then but it was also still a time when you could leave your car doors unlocked and not worry about anything. I remember walking through parking lots and noticing people would leave their windows down and their keys hanging in the ignition. People mostly still valued truth, honesty, integrity.

In just a few short decades we have sunk to incredible lows. Now people think almost entirely of themselves, what is in it for me? Short attention spans, constantly in need of more and more entertainment and the lies, everywhere with the lies!!

It was once said that people have two reasons for everything they do. The one they tell you and the real one! How true that is.

However, I don't mean just the bald faced lies that get told, although they are plentiful enough but we even lie for no reason. We tell lies, we believe lies and that's the way we like it. In fact, our society is so evil that it simply cannot function without lies. They have become essential.

From telling ourselves we aren't fat slobs all the way to believing that "we are all going to be raptured out of here at any minute" and every damnable lie in between.

Some of the lies are because we have been lied to ourselves and then we never bothered to check it out. Some we believe because they make us feel better, some are meant to get us ahead in life and some are so we don't hurt other people's feelings.

They range from huge lies all the way down to the smallest lies. We watch TV and it is nothing but lies, the commercials are lies. The newspapers and blogs are lies. What our kids are taught in school are lies and what we are told on the news are lies. Yes, I too am a liar and I hate it!

Isaiah 28:15 says "Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:" Is this not true today?

The truth is not welcome, unless it is acknowledged to simply be someone's opinion. You can believe whatever you want but just don't try and make others believe it. You have to be tolerant of everyone's stupid views so we can all get along with each other.

When I get around other people the lies begin spewing out of me like a faucet and I do not like it. So I try my best to avoid people when I can. That way I only have to try not to lie to myself, which is easier to do.

Really, now why would I want to socialize with people when I have to lie all the time in order to do it. Make no mistake, if you spend time with others, you will have to lie to them. Otherwise you will be extruded from the group because they will simply NOT tolerate the truth.

Try being truly honest around people and see what a wonderful reception you get. Will you be respected for your truthfulness? Don't hold your breath waiting for that response. No, instead, you will be attacked for being a mean, insensitive person that has hate in his heart. Yes the truth is often misidentified today as hate. Isn't that just what you would expect from a society of liars.

Now, I love the truth and I hate lies, even when it involves something as "honorable" as not hurting someones feelings but the strange and annoying fact is that most of the lies that rock my boat are these very ones, the ones to keep others from getting their feelings hurt. Somewhere in my upbringing I was conditioned to never hurt anyone's feelings, always be nice to others and respect their opinions. It is the most frustrating thing being trapped between a lie and telling someone their an unrighteous, ignorant fool that deserves everything the Lord gives them.

So why would I want to intentionally socialize with anyone today. You are all a bunch of liars that will not abide the truth and a condition of your friendship is that I constantly and convincingly lie to you. You will gladly reciprocate and tell me lies and we will smile and laugh and say "what a good time we are having together".

We can snuggle up in our lies like they are a warm blanket. Day after day we get away with the same degrading and demeaning lifestyles with no retribution.

Psalm 82 says:
"«A Psalm of Asaph.» God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods. How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah. Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked. They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course. I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations."

How long oh Lord before I can engage in a conversation that is not based in some part on lies. How long will you let the wicked continue their mocking and self-serving behaviors. How long oh Lord will you not judge?

I will perhaps update this article soon, as now it seems to be simple venting and not much that someone could use to improve themselves, then again maybe it is just what we need to hear.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Unconditional Love: Revisited

I suppose I should comment now on my previous article about God's love being unconditional. My delightful sister took me to task for my position in the comment section. So I will clarify.

First off, argument itself is dangerous when searching out the truth of God. Why? Well because regardless of which position you take there is always a definite truth, the question becomes do you have it or not?

What I wrote about unconditional love is either true or it is a lie. If it is true then you are coming against the truth itself, what "we" believe is meaningless. Many people can not understand this concept but when you say you believe something or you are going to disagree with something, that position, even if it is true becomes a mere opinion.

You make it that by saying that it is what "you believe" or what "you disagree with". For example, if I say, "I believe this is the correct way to build a bridge." Would you feel confident in my statement? What if I said, "This IS the correct way to build a bridge". You can see there is more authority in the second statement.

Jesus said we have authority and power, this is what He meant. There is power and authority in the truth.

Now the question becomes one of simple understanding. The piece was written in reference to all the so-called Christians out there who really don't take the Lord seriously. The ones who put their hands on the TV back in 1982 when Billy Graham asked them to during one of his television crusades. After placing their hands on the TV and saying a silly little prayer, they proceeded to forget about God.

30 years later, they still believe that they are saved because they put their hand on the TV with Billy Graham. For 30 years they made no progress in the Lord, yet they still think they are saved because of God's unconditional love.

If you are seeking God and you truly love him, yes then for you God's love is unconditional. Regardless of how bad you mess things up you will be chastised and forgiven. Thank God for that!

Those outside the gate however, who don't love God and have only the 2 1/2 minute hand on the TV episode to their credit will find that God's love DOES have conditions. God does hate, let there be no mistake. I will say it again, God does hate.

Think about it. If you love children, don't you then hate those who would destroy children? Would you love and coddle those who would do them harm? If you love life, don't you then also have to hate those who kill? Would you coddle someone who afterwards had overt plans to kill you? Of course not, so you see that God also fills this same role. He hates those who do unrighteousness.

The proof is in the Bible:
Amos 5:21 "I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies."
Zec 8:17 "And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbour; and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith the LORD."
Pr 8:13 "The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate."
Ps 139:22 "I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies."
Ps 119:163 "I hate and abhor lying: but thy law do I love."
Ps 119:128 "Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way."
Ps 5:5 "The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity."
Mal 1:3 "And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness."
Ro 9:13 "As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated."

So the piece wasn't meant for those truly seeking God, he will chasten and forgive those, but rather for the pretenders who lie and say they love God when they really just love their own bellies. That is who the article was for.

Frankly, and unfortunately, the one the article was for is probably not even going to read it because he is too busy doing what HE wants to do and then, when HIS belly is full, whatever little bit is left he will gladly give to the Lord, which often is absolutely nothing.

See you on Sunday Lord!! Oh wait a minute, the race will be on then...

uhh, nevermind...

In Christ,

Friday, June 29, 2012

like a dead body twitching

The huge and devastating news about the heathcare takeover appeared in the news and within a day or so it has ALREADY died off. Like a body that still twitches after death, incredible news that should have people ready for revolt has instead fell back off and now once again the comatose body lies motionless.

Yes, another BIG story now rules the headlines of the Drudgereport. Eric Holder is possibly in threat of being arrested by the House of Representatives. That IS big news, but the healthcare story could not hold its own and has been reduced to an ever shrinking spot on the news website.

Soon, even the Eric Holder story will fade away, the only thing keeping it alive is the news is happening in real time. Assuming he is arrested and even if the entire Justice Department is dissolved and Obama forms a dictatorship, two days after it happens we will be treated to a story of what Madonna thinks about Lady Gaga.

And we'll be none the wiser because our country is dead and nothing remains but a twitching body.

Unconditional Love?

I love a good George Straight song and one of his many hits begins like this:

"Our love is unconditional
we knew it from the start
I see it in your eyes
you can feel it from my heart
from here on after
we'll stay the way we are right now
and share all the love and laughter
that a lifetime will allow"

Doesn't that sound so good? So romantic, I can see the women swooning now. Ahhhh! Unconditional Love!!

Well, George Straight may have unconditional love but when you try to pin that title on God you better be careful. If you believe that you can follow God and then do anything you please and expect Him to sing you a verse from this song you've got another thing coming.

I saw this very suggestion on a church sign just down the road from my house. It said that "God's love is unconditional". What a bunch of baloney. How can Christians be so stupid?

Well, its because the have never read or studied the Bible for themselves. They just trust some dunderhead that believes God's love is "unconditional" to read it for them. In other words, they really don't care, do they?

Just think about what unconditional love means anyway. It doesn't just mean He will never leave you or forsake you. It means that you can do anything you darn well please, at any time and there God will be just sitting there waiting to accept you back. You don't even have to repent, just come back to God with your "get out of jail free" card and everything will be ok.

In fact, even if you die you have nothing to worry about. You got to enjoy your life, have fun, party and do what ever you wanted and then God just says come on in to glory. Sorry, folks its not going to happen that way.

I'll quote just a few references to prove my point. This really isn't difficult because all I have to do is show one instance where God places conditions on a relationship and that proves that He DOES have conditions for those who would desire His love.

Here we go:

Deuteronomy 8:20 "As the nations which the LORD destroyeth before your face, so shall ye perish; because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the LORD your God."

Well this looks like a condition to me folks. Let's see here, these people (Israel) are going to perish because they wouldn't do what God said to do. Yep, that's a condition! Do what God says or perish. Yikes!

Now, just because you don't like what it says doesn't negate the fact that God does install conditions on His love. He doesn't just dole it out to anyone. Let's do one more.

2nd Chronicles  24:20 "And the Spirit of God came upon Zechariah the son of Jehoiada the priest, which stood above the people, and said unto them, Thus saith God, Why transgress ye the commandments of the LORD, that ye cannot prosper? because ye have forsaken the LORD, he hath also forsaken you."

This easier than shooting fish in a barrel. It says plainly that if you forsake the LORD, He will forsake you. NEXT!!

Isn't it hard to believe how many people are fooled today into thinking that God's love is unconditional. All those idiots out there believe that they can do no wrong. They never feel the need to repent because they believe "God's love is unconditional". Unbelievable.

Oh, but you are only reading from the old testament, you may say... (I may say you are a dunderhead for mentioning that but ok...) Let's do a new testament verse and then I'm done...

Mark 16:16 "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned."

Yawn... Do you need it any more plain than that? Here the Bible tells us if we believe not, then we are damned. It is as simple as that!

I suggest you start reading God's word for yourself.  If you fell for this clap trap of false doctrine its no telling what other nonsense you are believing.

Something this simple should never have grown in popularity to the point that an ignorant church would place it on their outside sign but that is what we see in our world today.

Man o man are we in trouble...

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Who are the chosen people?

A few years ago I wrote a small newsletter for a church that I attended. Of course the church believed in the rapture and Sunday worship, so as you might expect my newsletter was full of articles dealing with how the "Jews" had rejected Christ and for this reason we (as Gentiles) were grafted in. 

I remember thinking how lucky we were as Gentiles that the Jews did not accept Christ, for if they had accepted Him we would never have been invited to be heirs of God. How fortunate for us!

Well, every now and again it would dawn on me that not all of Israel had rejected Him. I mean, I remember reading about a few Jews that accepted Him, seems like they were "The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the publican; James the son of Alphaeus, and Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus."

After that there was Paul, Barnabas, Silas, Nicodemus and three thousand at Pentecost that also believed. Not only these but many, even at his birth, such as Anna and Simeon who being old waited at the Temple to see the Christ child and declare His arrival upon the earth.

So, at this point someone had better change the subject otherwise we are not going to be able to figure this one out. "Well, most of Israel rejected Him then." one might say, but however small, there was a group of actual physical Israelites who did NOT reject Christ. Why weren't they good enough? Why would they be tossed aside to bring in a bunch of self-righteous, ignorant, pagan gentiles? 

The answer is simple. The Israelites had already rejected Him. They were lost and God plainly stated in Amos 7:8 "And the LORD said unto me, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A plumbline. Then said the Lord, Behold, I will set a plumbline in the midst of my people Israel: I will not again pass by them any more:"

So the House of Israel was already lost. Jesus didn't come to save physical Israel but spiritual Israel. He came to convert the believers from a fleshly body to a spiritual one. (Hint: **whispering** the fact that you must be "born again." is a big clue.) I mean, what else could that mean? It means that God has translated the body of Israel into a spiritual body. 

Therefore He is able to keep all of His "positive" promises to Israel (such as "all Israel shall be saved") and at the same time keep all of His "negative" promises (such as "I will not pass by them any more"). You see, there are two Israels, one physical and the other spiritual. 

Paul tells us this explicitly in Romans 9: 6-8 "Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed."

Unless you are looking around for "Kazars" masquerading as Jews (which is nothing more than a stretching of the truth in order to make sense of these verses in Romans). If it were not for the "Kazar theory" the only other option left would be to see the actual truth and we can't have that because then we would have to admit that we were the Jews. 

Well, that isn't going to happen because if we were Jews that would mean we must go through the tribulation. The Bible clearly speaks of Jews being on the earth during the tribulation. So, that would mean we are the ones the Bible is speaking of and not the physical Jews. Yikes!

God has already said He "will not pass by them anymore" so it must be us, the Christians! But we prefer the lie don't we. "We prefer to be raptured out of here before the trouble begins and leave the physical Jews down here to face the wrath, not us" says the dunder-headed preacher who wouldn't know the truth if it came up and bit him. 

You can believe that lie and be damned or you can believe the Truth. You are Israel, there is no rapture and unless you die before it starts you will be in the tribulation, so you better get ready! 

I advise you start by preparing your spiritual house first. Read, study, pray. Click the links I have placed on the side bars here. They will take you to some good information that will help you if you have the heart to believe it.

I mean really aren't you getting tired of that same old tired line the church has been giving us for years now.  Just like the Jewish leaders were deceived in Jesus' day, the Pharisees, Sadducees and scribes of today are in the same condition except their role is now being portrayed by the so-called Christian Church.

Wow, yes, this gets deep doesn't it.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Its MAY DAY again folks

Its MAY DAY again.

Everyone keep an eye out to see if any riots happen today.

Please read my posts from last year entitled "Can we all just get along?" and "May Day trigger pulled" for more information.



Here are two links from the riots and violent acts from May 1st.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Barfing at the Truth

Could you imagine working with someone and suddenly finding out that they did not believe that two plus two equaled four? What would your response be? Would you say "well I believe that 2+2=4 but I respect your opinion that it doesn't".

Let me ask you to consider your answer carefully because your response may shock you. For the sake of maintaining the relationship with the person with the faulty beliefs would you make the above statement?

Further, you may not realize that you likely do this very thing everyday. Every time we tell someone the truth and they do not accept it, we find ourselves wanting to say that we don't agree with them but we respect their right to their own opinion because no one knows the full truth. When we do this we negate the word of God.

The fact that Jesus died for our sins and made a way for us to enter into His Kingdom is just as true as 2+2=4. Now, while it is very hard to find someone who doesn't believe that 2+2=4, it is not difficult to find someone who disagrees that Jesus is our Savior.

These people are everywhere, all just waiting to barf at the first sign of the Truth. Even among Christians it is not hard to find people who do this. For instance the pre-tribulation rapture is a complete lie, it will not happen. Yet Christians by the millions barf each time they hear it.

If you haven't read my article on the rapture it can be found on this website under the name "Where the Eagles be gathered" It takes a close look at the doctrine and I would appreciate it if you would quickly read it if you still believe in the rapture.

Also visit my pages on the various holidays, those links can be found on the sidebar. I don't know how many times Christians have barfed at the fact that Christmas is completely pagan. Let's not forget about Easter either, it too is pagan through and through. There is NO doubt about this, it is NOT my opinion, it is simple plain fact. Yet, time after time Christians react angrily when they hear these facts.

Just think about the ramifications of doing this. Do you barf at truths like this? Stop yourself for a moment and think about it. Christmas and Easter are PAGAN festivals and this can be proven easily with everyday encyclopedias and internet searches. You can say that the Church made them holy or some other nonsense but these facts cannot be honestly denied.

Yet rather than correct your ways, rather than line yourself up with the Truth, you decide instead to continue following the PAGAN ways. You make up all sorts of excuses to continue doing what you are doing and you find NO reason to correct your actions.

When someone tells you these truths, you make barfing sounds. "Doooon't youuuuuugh tell me Christmas and Easter are Paguuuughn. uuuuuuugh! Youuuuugh take things tooooo far. bluuuuuuugh! Get out of here, I don't like youuuuugh!"

If you read that phonetically you can understand why I call it barfing at the truth. When you hear it it sounds like you are upchucking all over the carpet.

Just imagine the person that believes that 2+2=5. Imagine that person doing the same thing. "Doooon't youuuuuugh tell me 2+2=4. uuuuuuugh! Youuuuugh take things tooooo far. bluuuuuuugh! Get out of here, I don't like youuuuugh!" That is exactly what you sound like when you barf at truths, any truth.

Now this isn't a pitch to get you to stop celebrating Christmas or Easter or even to stop believing in the false rapture but rather to have you stop and consider for a moment what you are doing. Do you love the truth? Most people quickly say yes but then reject it when they hear it.

So this article is a simple test. When you hear the truth about the rapture, Christmas and Easter do you accept it or do you squirm around until you can figure a way out of it? Take your time and consider what I have told you, make sure I am telling you the truth, then decide. However, when you see the truth do you respond by barfing at it?

After all, you said you love the Truth but perhaps you only love what you "believe" the truth is and not the real Truth, in-spite of all the supporting facts.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Into the Wilderness

Recently I received this question to my position that the Church is corrupt and should be left by true Christians.


We are commanded, as believers, not to forsake the gathering of ourselves together (Hebrews 10:25). Does this mean you no longer attend any organized Christian services at all? If so, how is this justified in light of the Scripture I have quoted above?


Let's look at a short parable to answer this question.

Matthew 13: 33 "Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened."

This may sound strange at first but this parable is telling us that the Kingdom of Heaven will be completely leavened as we see that it is today.

We are also told in Daniel 2:44 "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever."

Here we see the prophecy that Jesus will set up his kingdom "in the days of these kings" (Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece and Rome) and that these kingdoms will all break in pieces and be consumed by His kingdom. This is all proven easily even by secular historians. All four of these "kingdoms have been broken and consumed" However, as Jesus' kingdom grew it also began to be leavened just as Jesus told us in the parable above. So while His kingdom stands forever there is a period of time when it becomes entirely "leavened" and only a remnant will be saved.

It is hard to deny that the Church has no power left today. They preach false doctrine, usually prosperity doctrine and have to serve coffee and have live bands in order to even get people to come. Churches are little more than large social clubs where the preacher is afraid to tell the truth because he knows he will be fired if he does.

This is one of the main reasons we believe lies such as Easter. We have never been taught the truth. All the pastors that should have taught us these things instead sold us out. For instance it is easy to go to an encyclopedia and discover that "Easter" is actually the English transliteration of the goddess name "Ishtar" "Eostra" "Ashtoroth" and many other names. We have Easter eggs, rabbits, baby chickens and lilies all of which represent fertility.

The reason we have so many fertility symbols during the so called celebration of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection is because it isn't about Jesus at all but instead it is about a fertility goddess called "Easter". The holiday is set each year in accordance with the lunar cycle.

In pagan times it was celebrated on the new moon. In fact, the new moon arrives (goes dark) and over about a 1 and 1/2 day period it stays dark until finally a thin sliver of a moon appears. This time frame is the exact time frame that we see from "good Friday" until Easter Sunday. That is why we celebrate that pattern instead of the true time frame of Jesus' time in the tomb, which as you noted before, was 3 full days and 3 full nights.

"Easter", according to mythology, was a lunar goddess and she descends into the underworld to rescue the sun god who had prematurely died (winter). When the moon goes dark that is symbolic of her decent into Hades and when the sliver of the moon reappears it is symbolic of her return. When she returns she also brings back the sun god with her, this is symbolic of springtime arriving with all the fertility we see such as the eggs, rabbits, baby chicks and the Easter lilies. So Easter, (or Ishtar) returns with the sun god and kicks off springtime.

Today, the holiday is still set by the moon. The only difference is the Catholic Church changed the date from the first "new moon" after the spring equinox to the first Sunday, after the "full moon", after the spring equinox. There are many other details of this paganism but I just can't cover them all in one single response, that would take an entire book.

The only way to say it is that the Church is completely leavened, just as Jesus foretold in His parable. Therefore if the Church is completely leavened then we have no choice but to leave it and go into the spiritual wilderness.

If you think about it, this is God's pattern when dealing with His people. Look at the Exodus, when Joseph first arrives there he is treated well, even as a prisoner, and eventually he rises to rule all of Egypt with only Pharaoh above him. That Pharaoh is blessed by his treatment of God's people, hence the prophecy "I will bless those that bless you". However, over the years Egypt changes until God's people are simple slaves and then He calls them out of Egypt (which used to be good) and into the wilderness.

Once the body that God's people are residing in becomes fully leavened God brings them out and into a temporary wilderness experience. In Revelation we see the woman is given wings of an eagle to carry her into the wilderness where she is taken care of.

The scripture in Hebrews 10: 25 "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." is 100% correct. The only problem is that there aren't many to assemble with.

The Church today has a name as if it were alive but they deny the power thereof. They are nothing more than whited sepulchres with pastors who won't even tell us the truth about Easter. The ones that do are removed and replaced by someone who will tell the people what they want to hear.

When I find fellow Christians, I do my best to assemble with them, which is usually via email because, unfortunately those who go to today's churches are not really Christians and don't care to be. They are perfectly happy the way they are. If you told them the truth, as I have in this response, they would recoil in anger and say that all I wanted to do was ruin the fun for the kids. If they were true Christians they would not tolerate (and even embrace) all those lies.

I assume you still attend church? I would love to hear what your pastor would say if you confronted him with my article here about Easter and why it is he doesn't bother to be honest with his people about the paganism that has made its way into the Church? Even if he admitted the truth he would never think of cancelling next year's festivities.

He will probably say it isn't important but he would never dare to insult his wife by celebrating her life by showing pictures and memorabilia from a former girlfriend. So why is it ok to insult God by celebrating Him by doing all the things that pagans do when they worship their gods.

Of course I don't know your pastor but I don't have to, It would be one of the most shocking things to find out a church of more than 30 being told the truth about these holidays. Why such small numbers? Because the large crowd will leave to go to someone else who will tell them what they want to hear, which is lies!

We do love our lies, don't we.

Friday, March 30, 2012

The seventy weeks of Daniel timeline

Hi all,

Well, here is the timeline from my book showing the complete 70 weeks breakdown. (Actually it shows the complete 69 weeks breakdown because it stops at the baptism of Jesus in 26 AD.) As you can see the prophecy fits like a hand in a glove.

Please email me if you have any questions concerning the details of this timeline. Listen to my radio show at

Remember you can click the timeline to enlarge it.

In Christ,


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring and Fall reckonings

Hi all, below is a rough copy of charts from my book that should help you to understand the difference in the spring and fall reckoning in the Hebrew calendar.

For those of you who have been listening to my radio show, I will post a timeline of the entire 70 weeks soon. Please write if you have any questions and tune into my radio show to learn more.

You can find me at

(click on the pictures for a larger version)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Valentine's Day

Hi all,

I thought I would take advantage of the extra day we get this month to make a final post. I had been promising a short look at Valentine's Day as yet another pagan holiday far from the teachings of Jesus so I figured this was as good a time as any to finally post it.

Of course no one tries to link Valentine's Day directly to Christ in the way we see with Christmas or Easter but there has been an effort to "make" it into a Christian holiday by the Catholic Church, so it is often referred to as St. Valentine's Day.

However, what are the true roots of this holiday?

It comes from the ancient Roman celebration known as Lupercalia and it was performed in honor of the Roman goddess Lupercus. Lupercus was a friend to shepherds and was often depicted as a protector of their flocks from wolves. This belief stemmed from the ancient Roman legend that Rome had been found by Romulus and Remus who had themselves been cared for by a she-wolf when they were babies. After shepherds later found the twins and raised them they were looked over by this goddess.

The belief was that the great golden wolf goddess would drive away the other wolves who would do harm to the shepherds flocks so Lupercus was given a special day which fell on February 15th . However, on February 14th, a special ceremony would take place in the ancient cave believed to be the place where Romulus and Remus were suckled by the she-wolf.

The ceremony consisted of two young male "priests" (representing Romulus and Remus) who would strip down completely naked and sacrifice a goat and a dog. The goat represented the shepherds flocks and the dog represented the wolves. After killing the goat and the dog, their blood would be smeared all over the "priests" bodies and then washed off afterwards with milk.

During this process the young men would take the skin of the sacrificed goat and tear it into thin strips which they fashioned into loin cloths for themselves. They also fashioned soft whips, for later use, out of the strips of flesh. These whips of goatskin were known as februa(s) so you can guess that this is where we get the name "February".

(Yes, our month of February is named after a strip of bloody goat flesh used to softly whip young girls and women who wished to be blessed by the priests of Lupercus so they could then bare children. I'll describe this in more detail next)

After the sacrificial ceremony was completed the priests began to run from the cave throughout the city. All along their chosen path would be throngs of women and girls lining the streets. It was important in those days to the women that they bare children so they wanted to be blessed by these priests, as they believed if one of the priests would strike them with the februa they would soon have a child. So the women used all of their assets to attract the young men to strike them with the bloody whips.

You might imagine a mardi gras on steroids as the women would bare their legs, breasts, and anything else they could to attract the young men to strike them with the whips, much sexual horseplay and flirting also associated the festival as you might imagine. If the women were fortunate, their bare bodies would attract a priest to come closer to them and increase their chances of being struck with the bloody februa.

This celebration later spawned the practice of eligible women writing their names on tablets and placing them in boxes where they would be drawn out in a lottery by eligible men also participating in the festival. The men would then take the woman whose name they had drawn and be paired off with them for a set time period, some evidence suggests that this time period lasted for as long as an entire year.

During this time the women were subject to pure fornication from the men who basically had their way with them whenever they wished. As incredible as this sounds to us today, don't get the idea that the women were unwilling participants. They all flocked excitedly to the festival and great uproars occurred during times when the Church attempted to abolish the custom. They would have NONE of that. Let the festival continue they would say!

So this was not done unwillingly. It was enthusiastically embraced by both men and women. Still, you can see how our tradition today of sending cards saying "be my Valentine" began. Yes, in days gone by, that card would bare the name of your daughter and be placed in a box to be drawn out at random by a male participant who would then take her and fornicate with her as often and as long as he wished.

Think about that the next time you sit down with your chikdren to fill out an "innocent" Valentine's Day card, just remember what type of traditions you are keeping alive. It is nothing that our savior Jesus Christ would approve of or allow us to partake in. There is nothing Christian about it, despite the name Saint Valentine's Day.

Now you know.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Conspiracy Theory or Fact

Hi all,

I wanted to make a post before the month of February ended so I decided to go ahead and post the picture that I have been talking about lately on my radio show.

The reason I hesitated to post this picture is because I cannot find my source that explains how that Masons do this hand gesture to give recognition to other Masons of high enough degree. So all I have to go on is my memory, therefore you can take it for what it is worth, right now not much, unfortunately.

Still, if I can find my source again, (I know I didn't dream it) I will revisit this topic. If anyone has heard of this and would like to help me understand it better please email with information.

All the presidential candidates giving a secret sign right in the middle of the debates is certainly a juicy bit of conspiracy theory. I wish I had more to go on but right now I don't. Here's the picture:

Notice Santorum is the only one using a "semi-normal" hand positioning but in the video from which this still shot was taken it is seen that he also earlier had his hand in the strange position as well.

The hand position is strange enough in itself to raise suspicions but it is the thumb position that is throwing me off. Now I do have a good source that shows the Masonic hand position with the thumb in an upward 90 degree position but I can't be sure here since they all have their thumbs down or at near 45 degree angles.

Still you have to admit something weird is going on here, normal people do not place their hands over their hearts in such an uncomfortable and ungainly manner. Try it yourself, place your hand in a straight line position across your chest as you see in the picture. It is not the natural positioning most people use. 

At any rate, I hope you are not placing any confidence in who wins the election, it doesn't matter since we cannot fix this thing ourselves, in fact it cannot be fixed at all, our only hope is to turn to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I hope you make your decision for Him soon.  
